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5 Forex

Las mejores plataformas de comercio de Forex | Top 5 corredores en línea de FX

10 de abril de 2015 por tom

Así que has decidido invertir en Forex, pero ¿por dónde empiezas? Hay cientos de corredores que ofrecen un & # 8220; Plataforma que realmente no es tan impresionante. Corredores ofrecerá todo tipo de ofertas para tratar de atraer a usted, pero ¿cómo saber con quién ir y quién evitar? Su importante para investigar antes de firmar para arriba con un corredor, afortunadamente hemos investigado a corredores múltiples sobre los últimos años y creemos éstos para ser el top 5 corredores de la divisa en línea hoy! Los 5 corredores que le ofrecen el mayor potencial para obtener un beneficio, las mejores condiciones, interfaz más sensible, mejores ofertas de registro y la mayor seguridad para sus fondos.

Tabla de contenido

Top 5 plataformas de Forex y corredores en el mercado hoy [REVISADO]

1. eToro.

De lejos mi primera opción. Especialmente útil si sólo está empezando a operar en Forex, eToro tiene todo para empezar si es un principiante y nunca ha cambiado antes. La característica más distintiva de este corredor es su plataforma de comercio social. Similar a twitter o Facebook, le permite agregar muchos comerciantes a su lista de seguimiento, a continuación, revisar su rendimiento pasado y compararlos. Usted puede seleccionar fácilmente a los asalariados superiores en esta red masiva de comerciantes y copiar automáticamente sus oficios. La tecnología de comercio de copia de eToro es una de las mejores y más rentables tecnologías del mundo para aparecer en el mercado Forex.

Usando este método de copia & # 8222 ;, es importante saber que todas las operaciones se realizan con el mismo tamaño de lote del comerciante, proporcional a la cantidad en su cuenta. Por ejemplo, si un comerciante abre un comercio utilizando el 5% de su capital, estará abierto en su cuenta usando el 5% de su capital, las cifras monetarias exactas serán diferentes, por supuesto, pero este método reduce considerablemente el riesgo y es una característica que usted No se encontrará en muchas otras redes de comercio social. No tiene que pagar el & # 8220; seguido & # 8221; Comerciante o eToro cualquier comisión sobre sus beneficios; Es todo tuyo para guardar!

Otra característica valiosa para los principiantes son sus cursos de formación en línea, estos le ofrecen herramientas valiosas para desarrollar su propia estrategia y en el momento de hacer su primer comercio basado en su propio análisis, la plataforma de comercio social ya probablemente han generado un buen beneficio para usted . Además de la formación y el comercio social, eToro ofrece una plataforma de gráficos que utiliza una gran variedad de indicadores técnicos, útiles para el análisis, la investigación y la presentación de informes. Todo el comercio tiene que hacerse en su propia plataforma; Webtrader. Que es accesible por el navegador web de su computadora y su aplicación móvil para Android y iPhone. Usted puede ver nuestra completa revisión en profundidad de Etoro aquí.

¿Qué tan buena es su plataforma?

Webtrader es accesible en su navegador web o dispositivo móvil. Le permite controlar fácilmente sus operaciones, moviendo los parámetros comerciales en cualquier momento. Su red de comerciantes, Openbook. Le permite buscar comerciantes rentables utilizando varios filtros, por lo que puede encontrar el que mejor se adapte a su estilo y metas financieras. Después de copiar un comerciante, puede ver toda su actividad en su plataforma Webtrader, incluyendo todos los detalles de su comercio y operaciones cerradas. También puede ser copiado por otros, que podrán encontrarle en Openbook, y eToro le recompensará por cada copiadora de su cuenta, aunque no cobren una comisión a copiadoras. Haga clic aquí para obtener su Bono Etoro ENORME


Todo lo que un comerciante maestro necesita. Un poco más avanzado que la plataforma Etoro, pero sigue siendo un muy fácil de navegar por corretaje en línea. También hay muchas más características que el comerciante de Forex más avanzado preferiría.

Cuando su principal interés es desarrollar o ejecutar su propia estrategia de negociación, desea que su corredor le ofrezca excelencia en la ejecución de operaciones, junto con todas las herramientas que necesita para sobresalir en su propio análisis. FXOpen te permite hacer esto, pero carece de las guías sobre cómo empezar y por lo tanto, lo recomiendo para los comerciantes un poco más avanzados.

Además, también tienen su propia tecnología de copia comercial, que está conectada a varios sistemas de copia automática: Zulutrade. Comerciante de señal. Mirror Trader y la comunidad MQL5. Mediante el uso de sus recursos de formación que puede desarrollar fácilmente su propia estrategia avanzada y rentable, mientras que sus plataformas le proporcionará la máxima conectividad para el comercio eficaz desde su casa, oficina o en el camino.

Ofrecen la plataforma Metatrader 4 para ordenadores que no debería sorprender ahora y la interfaz en sí es bastante moderna y fácil de usar, con el depósito / retirada / comercio / vender / opciones cortas todo fácil de navegar y entender.

¿Qué tan buena es su plataforma?

Ofrecen una variedad de plataformas, ya sea auto guiada o de comercio social, todos los cuales tienen un alto grado de capacidad de respuesta y también son muy fáciles de usar. Esto es esencial cuando se selecciona un corredor, ya que cuando su interfaz no es 100% sensible, puede perder valioso tiempo y dinero tratando de jugar con código / scripts que simplemente no debería molestarle! Esta es la razón por FXOpen viene en segundo lugar en nuestra lista de top forex corredores. Recomiendo inscribirse y echar un vistazo. Si eres un comerciante intermedio, puedes preferirlo a Etoro. Haga clic aquí para registrarse en FXOpen y obtenga su bono de registro.

3. Roboforex.

Una plataforma relativamente nueva, pero un gran corredor, sin embargo. Uno que está creciendo rápidamente debido a su interfaz simple y velocidad de ejecución súper rápida. También ofrecen una variedad de plataformas para el comercio a través de, incluyendo su propio sistema basado en web que se conecta a todas sus plataformas, así como Metatrader 4, Metatrader 5, Viking o cTrader cuentas.

También puede acceder a cualquiera de sus plataformas, desde su computadora o dispositivo móvil. También ofrecen cuentas de centavo. Que le permiten practicar su estrategia rentable con muy poco capital, haciendo que cada centavo aparezca en su cuenta como si fuera un dólar (apalancamiento). Si lo desea, también le enviarán por correo electrónico diariamente con una variedad de previsiones hechas por su equipo de comerciantes, y le proporcionarán acceso a su plataforma de análisis técnico & # 8211; Trading Central Analytics.

Otra característica notable es su sistema CopyFX, que le permite copiar a otros comerciantes, a diferencia de Etoro que cobran una comisión por este privilegio, además de que debe configurar sus propias reglas de gestión de capital cuando se copia un comerciante. Sin embargo, esto es muy compensado porque hay muchos comerciantes altamente rentables en su red también.

4. Oanda.

Un corredor de Forex muy bien establecido, Oanda ha estado en el mercado por más de 16 años. Este corretaje ofrece una variedad de herramientas analíticas, como el uso gratuito de Autochartist Metatrader 4 plugin. Un software que automatiza una parte del análisis técnico para encontrar buenos puntos de inversión y predecir los movimientos de precios. Además, proporcionan acceso a su propio conjunto de herramientas analíticas, como análisis de noticias, sentimientos de los clientes, gráficos de volatilidad, tabla de correlación de pares, mapa de la fuerza monetaria y más.

Oanda tiene tantas herramientas analíticas, que al principio puede sentirse un poco perdido en su mar de análisis. Sin embargo, una vez que te familiarices con ellos, serán parte de un arsenal comercial muy eficaz que muchos comerciantes no tienen acceso. Un buen corredor en general, Oanda no ofrece su propia tecnología de comercio social, aunque su software Metatrader le permite recibir señales comerciales automáticas de la comunidad MQL5. Esto le permite tener acceso a una gran red de comerciantes para copiar, que por lo general cobran una cuota mensual que va de $ 20 a más de $ 300 (por cierto, todos los corredores que utilizan la plataforma Metatrader ofrecen esta conexión a MQL5).

Este corredor en línea también ofrece su propia plataforma de negociación, que tiene una calidad particularmente alta en el manejo de órdenes pendientes y paradas de arrastre y también es accesible en su dispositivo móvil.

¿Qué tan buena es su plataforma?

Oanda ofrece dos plataformas, Metatrader y fx Trade, ambas disponibles en versiones de computadora o móviles. Su plataforma Metatrader ofrece una ejecución buena y fiable. Sin embargo, es su plataforma fx comercio que capta el ojo del comerciante profesional, porque la velocidad y el rendimiento en la ejecución de los oficios no tiene partido, Es realmente la plataforma más confiable entre todos los corredores profesionales. Un pequeño inconveniente: sólo es accesible a través del navegador web y no los dispositivos móviles (todavía). Oanda es una plataforma a tener en cuenta en el futuro, pero hasta que ampliamente probarlos más que sólo vienen en 4 º en nuestra lista de top forex corredores.


Este griego, ECN (red de comunicaciones electrónicas) corredor también ofrece buenas características y condiciones comerciales. Puede utilizar su plataforma Metatrader 4, que ofrece alta fiabilidad y velocidad de ejecución. También ofrece tecnología de comercio social por conexión directa con la plataforma de Zulutrade, AAAFX le permite obtener beneficios fácilmente copiando a otros comerciantes. Sin embargo, es una buena idea configurar su cuenta para que siga sus propias reglas estrictas de administración de capital para evitar una llamada de margen. Debido a la eficacia y la rentabilidad de su plataforma de comercio social, AAAFX cobra unos honorarios un poco más altos que los otros corredores de esta lista, comenzando con una comisión de 2% + sobre su depósito.

Sin embargo, todo esto es muy compensado por su plataforma de comercio social, donde se pueden encontrar muchos comerciantes rentables para copiar y obtener un beneficio desde el primer día. Este corredor se centra en el comerciante ya formado o inversor de comercio social, por lo tanto, no ofrece ninguna herramienta de formación o análisis. ¿Qué tan buena es su plataforma? La principal característica de AAAFX es su excelente conexión directa con Zulutrade. Su rendimiento Metatrader es en general buena, pero nada especial. Sin embargo, puesto que el comercio social de Zulutrade es una plataforma diferente, el buen funcionamiento en la conectividad es una necesidad si usted planea hacer un beneficio grande y aprovechar al máximo de su comercio. A largo plazo, su conexión directa con Zulutrade significará unos cuantos pips adicionales cada semana, que llegarán a cientos en el largo plazo.

Hay montones de buenos corredores por ahí. Pero antes de comenzar a operar necesita investigar, hemos hecho el comienzo de la misma para usted aquí, pero inscríbase en los 5 mejores corredores y deposite una pequeña cantidad, utilice la interfaz, compruebe las tarifas y decida cuál es para Usted y luego depositar su cantidad mayor en allí y empezar correctamente.

Las plataformas cerca del comienzo de la lista son las que yo recomendaría más para los principiantes. Regístrese arriba, vea lo que piensa y recuerde que la prueba es todo!


Comenzar con 5starsforex es un día de luna de miel para usted. Usted es excepcionalmente talento para invertir su dinero en cuenta corporativa lo suficientemente inteligente como para invertir en cuenta conjunta y tienen intestino para invertir en cuenta individual. Por favor, únase a nosotros y aprender de la asesoría comercial experto. Deposite su dinero donde quiera que esté y vamos a calcular su cada céntimo.

Plataformas de negociación

Plataforma de negociación actúa como un conducto para la información entre un comerciante y un corredor. Ayuda a proporcionar información como cotizaciones y gráficos, e incluye una interfaz para ingresar órdenes a ejecutar por el corredor. 5Stars plataforma de comercio global de Forex están en acción para proporcionar una experiencia práctica, potente y más eficiente de comercio. Todas las herramientas y recursos necesarios estarán en su mano para permitirle realizar investigaciones de divisas y análisis técnico.


5Stars Forexâ € ™ s Introducing Broker programa de afiliados permite a las empresas y los individuos para recibir la comisión de clientes de dirección para nosotros. Usted necesita hacer es simplemente introducir su friend†™ s o haciendo marketing para nosotros y se sentirá como si tuviera su propio negocio. Puede ofrecer una amplia gama de productos y nuestros programas de bonificación a su colega. Recompensaremos generosamente la comisión por cada comercio que haga un cliente referido.

Acerca de 5Stars

5StarsForex es un proveedor líder de servicios comerciales en línea. Establecido en 2014, 5StarsForex está proporcionando a los comerciantes una experiencia comercial de clase mundial en todo el mundo.

5StarsForex proporciona a los comerciantes de it†™ s con los programas de entrenamiento personalizados de la divisa, los especialistas de la sala de negociación, los mejores programas de los corredores y de los socios que introducen con las ofertas innovadoras y competitivas de los socios. 5Stars Forex proporciona a los comerciantes de it†™ s con los mejores spreads en el mercado entero, la ejecución más rápida posible.

Nos esforzamos por ofrecer un nivel de servicio que supere las expectativas de nuestros clientes.

Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre nuestros productos o servicios, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros. Tenemos a los representantes bien informados disponibles siete días a la semana para ayudarle.

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5 Estrellas Forex no proporciona servicios para clientes de Estados Unidos.

5 Estrellas Forex Trading Servicios y Productos ofrecidos a personas en la edad de 18 años o más.

ADVERTENCIAS SOBRE RIESGOS: El comercio de divisas y Contratos por Diferencia (CFDs) es altamente especulativo e implica un riesgo significativo de pérdida. Tales operaciones no son adecuadas para todos los inversores por lo que debe asegurarse de que entiende completamente los riesgos antes de la negociación. Por favor, lea el “Risk Disclosure Document” que le da una explicación más completa de algunos de los riesgos involucrados.

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Liteforex Investments Limited: Complejo de sociedades fiduciarias, Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island, Majuro, Islas Marshall MH96960 Servicios financieros proporcionados por LiteForex Investments Limited. Copyright © 2005-2016 LiteForex. com

Trabajando en Finanzas: 5 Forex Carreras

Los mercados de divisas puede ser un mercado emocionante y lucrativo para el comercio si se entiende a fondo cómo comprar y vender divisas. Si te atraen a esta área, tal vez quieras hacer de ella tu carrera.

Los empleos de Forex son rápidos y pueden significar extrañas horas de trabajo y largos días de trabajo, ya que los mercados de divisas están abiertos las 24 horas del día, cinco días al día. Requieren conocimiento y cumplimiento de las leyes y reglamentos que regulan las cuentas y transacciones financieras. Algunos trabajos requieren que los candidatos hayan superado uno o más exámenes, como la Serie 3. Serie7. Series 34 o Series 63. Si usted es elegible para trabajar en un país extranjero, una carrera en forex puede traer la emoción adicional de vivir en el extranjero. No importa dónde trabaje, conocer un idioma extranjero, especialmente alemán, francés, árabe, ruso, español, coreano, mandarín, cantonés, portugués o japonés, es útil y puede ser necesario para algunas posiciones. (El mercado de divisas tiene una gran cantidad de atributos únicos que pueden venir como una sorpresa para los nuevos operadores, echa un vistazo a El mercado de divisas: ¿Quienes comercian moneda y por qué.)

Este artículo proporcionará una visión general de las cinco áreas principales de carrera en divisas. Tenga en cuenta que las posiciones específicas tienden a tener diferentes nombres en diferentes empresas.

1. Forex Market Analyst / Moneda Investigador / Currency Strategist Un analista de mercado de divisas, también llamado un investigador de moneda o estratega de la moneda, trabaja para una corredora de divisas y realiza investigación y análisis con el fin de escribir diario comentario de mercado sobre el mercado de divisas y el económico y Políticas que afectan los valores monetarios. Estos profesionales utilizan técnicas. Fundamental y análisis cuantitativo para informar sus opiniones y debe ser capaz de producir contenido de alta calidad muy rápidamente para mantenerse al día con el rápido ritmo del mercado de divisas. Tanto los comerciantes individuales como los institucionales utilizan estas noticias y análisis para informar sus decisiones comerciales.

Un analista también puede proporcionar seminarios educativos y webinars para ayudar a los clientes y clientes potenciales obtener más cómodo con el comercio de divisas. Los analistas también tratan de establecer una presencia en los medios de comunicación con el fin de convertirse en una fuente confiable de información de divisas y promover las empresas para las que trabajan. Por lo tanto, hay un gran componente de marketing para ser un analista de divisas. (Este mercado puede ser traicionero para los inversores no preparados. Descubra cómo evitar los errores que mantienen a los comerciantes de FX de tener éxito, lea Top Reasons Forex Traders Fail.)

Un analista debe tener una licenciatura en economía, finanzas o un área similar y se puede esperar tener al menos un año de experiencia trabajando en los mercados financieros como un comerciante y / o analista y ser un comerciante activo de divisas. Las habilidades de comunicación y presentación son deseables en cualquier trabajo, pero son particularmente importantes para un analista. Los analistas también deben estar bien versados ​​en economía, finanzas internacionales y política internacional.

2. Gerente de Cuenta / Comerciante Profesional / Comerciante Institucional Si ha sido consistentemente exitoso comercio de divisas por su cuenta, usted puede tener lo que se necesita para convertirse en un comerciante de forex profesional. Los fondos mutuos de divisas y los fondos de cobertura que tratan en el mercado de divisas necesitan administradores de cuentas y operadores de divisas profesionales para tomar decisiones de compra y venta. También lo hacen los inversores institucionales como bancos, corporaciones multinacionales y bancos centrales que necesitan cubrirse contra las fluctuaciones del valor de la moneda extranjera. Algunos gerentes de cuentas incluso manejan cuentas individuales, toman decisiones comerciales y ejecutan operaciones basadas en las metas de sus clientes y tolerancia al riesgo. (Si usted está buscando respuestas, echa un vistazo a las 7 preguntas más importantes sobre el comercio de divisas respondidas.)

Estas posiciones tienen apuestas muy altas: los gerentes de cuentas son responsables de grandes cantidades de dinero, y su reputación profesional y la reputación de sus empleadores sobre cómo manejar esos fondos. Se espera que cumplan metas de beneficio mientras trabajan con un nivel apropiado de riesgo. Estos trabajos pueden requerir experiencia con plataformas comerciales específicas, así como experiencia laboral en finanzas y una licenciatura en finanzas, economía o negocios. Los comerciantes institucionales pueden necesitar ser comerciantes eficaces no sólo de divisas, sino también de materias primas, opciones, derivados y otros instrumentos financieros.

3. Regulador Los reguladores intentan prevenir el fraude en la industria de la divisa, y hay maneras numerosas de trabajar en la regulación de la divisa. Los organismos reguladores contratan a muchos tipos diferentes de profesionales y tienen presencia en numerosos países. También operan tanto en el sector público como en el privado. La Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) es el regulador forex del gobierno en los Estados Unidos; La Asociación Nacional de Futuros (NFA) establece las normas de regulación, y las pantallas de los distribuidores de divisas del sector privado.

La CFTC contrata a abogados, auditores. Economistas, especialistas / investigadores de futuros y profesionales de la gestión. Los auditores aseguran el cumplimiento de las regulaciones CFTC y deben tener por lo menos una licenciatura en contabilidad, aunque se prefieren una designación de maestría y contador público certificado (CPA). Los economistas analizan los impactos económicos de las reglas CFTC y deben tener por lo menos una licenciatura en economía. Los especialistas / investigadores de comercio de futuros realizan la supervisión e investigan el supuesto fraude, la manipulación del mercado y las violaciones a las prácticas comerciales, y están sujetos a la experiencia laboral ya los requisitos educativos que varían según la posición.

Los trabajos de la CFTC se encuentran en Washington, DC, Chicago, Kansas City y Nueva York y requieren ciudadanía de los Estados Unidos y una verificación de antecedentes. La CFTC también proporciona alertas de educación al consumidor y fraude al público. Dado que la CFTC supervisa todos los mercados de futuros y opciones de productos básicos en los Estados Unidos, es necesario comprender todos los aspectos de estos mercados, no sólo de divisas.

La NFA es similar a la CFTC y también supervisa los mercados más amplios de futuros y materias primas, pero en lugar de ser una agencia gubernamental, es una organización de autorregulación del sector privado autorizada por el Congreso. Sus misiones son mantener la integridad del mercado, combatir el fraude y el abuso y resolver disputas a través del arbitraje. También protege y educa a los inversores y les permite a los corredores de investigación, incluidos los corredores de divisas, en línea. La mayoría de los trabajos de NFA están ubicados en Nueva York, pero algunos están en Chicago. (Piense que esta carrera es la mejor para usted! Aprenda más sobre cómo entrar - y cómo tener éxito, lea Becoming A Financial Analyst.)

A nivel internacional, un regulador podría trabajar para cualquiera de las siguientes agencias:

Financial Services Authority (FSA) en el Reino Unido

Agencia de Servicios Financieros (FSA) en Japón

Comisión de Valores y Futuros (SFC) en Hong Kong

Comisión Australiana de Valores e Inversiones (ASIC) en Australia

4. Operador de Operaciones de Intercambio / Gerente de Operaciones de Intercambio / Intercambio de Divisas Las corretajes de Forex necesitan individuos para cuentas de servicio, y ofrecen una serie de posiciones que son básicamente posiciones de alto nivel de servicio al cliente que requieren conocimientos FX. Estas posiciones pueden conducir a trabajos más avanzados de la divisa.

Las responsabilidades de un empleado de operaciones de cambio incluyen: procesar nuevas cuentas de clientes; Verificar la identidad de los clientes como lo requieren las regulaciones federales; Procesamiento de retiros, transferencias y depósitos de clientes; Y proporcionar servicio al cliente. El trabajo por lo general requiere una licenciatura en finanzas, contabilidad o de negocios; Habilidades de resolución de problemas y analíticas; Y la comprensión de los mercados financieros y los instrumentos, especialmente de divisas. También puede requerir experiencia previa de corretaje. (Para obtener más información, consulte Broker or Trader: qué carrera es la más adecuada para usted?)

Una posición relacionada es un asociado de auditoría comercial. Este trabajo consiste en trabajar con los clientes para resolver disputas relacionadas con el comercio. Asociados de auditoría comercial debe ser bueno con la gente y capaz de trabajar rápidamente y pensar en sus pies para resolver problemas. También deben entender a fondo el comercio de divisas y la plataforma comercial de la empresa con el fin de ayudar a los clientes.

Un gerente de operaciones de cambio tiene más experiencia y mayores responsabilidades que un asociado de operaciones de cambio. Estos profesionales ejecutan, financian, liquidan y reconcilian transacciones de divisas. El trabajo puede requerir familiaridad con el software relacionado con la divisa, como el sistema ampliamente utilizado de la Sociedad para el Sistema Interbancario Mundial de Telecomunicaciones Financieras (SWIFT). (La interconexión global de los sistemas de pago de los Estados Unidos hace posibles las transferencias comerciales y financieras, consulte Inside National Payment Systems.)

5. Desarrollador de software En forex, los desarrolladores de software trabajan para corretajes para crear plataformas de negociación propietarias que permiten a los usuarios acceder a los datos de precios de divisas y gráficos de uso y los indicadores para analizar las operaciones potenciales, así como el comercio de divisas en línea. Las calificaciones profesionales incluyen una licenciatura en ciencias de la computación, ingeniería informática o similares; Conocimiento del sistema operativo como UNIX, Linux y / o Solaris; Conocimiento de lenguajes de programación como Javascript, Perl, SQL, Python y / o Ruby; Y conocimientos en muchas otras áreas técnicas, incluyendo marcos de back-end, marcos frontales, bases de datos y servidores web.

Los desarrolladores de software no pueden estar obligados a tener conocimientos financieros, comerciales o forex para trabajar para una corredora de divisas, pero el conocimiento en esta área será una gran ventaja. Si usted es un comerciante de divisas usted mismo, tendrá una idea mucho mejor de lo que los clientes están buscando en el software de divisas. La calidad del software es un factor importante que diferencia una correduría de divisas de otra y una clave para el éxito de la compañía. Una correduría se enfrenta a serios problemas si sus clientes no pueden ejecutar operaciones cuando quieren o los oficios no se ejecutan a tiempo porque el software no funciona correctamente. Una correduría también debe ser capaz de atraer a los clientes con características de software únicas y plataformas de comercio de la práctica. (Para más en esta área, esto es una lectura obligada, software de la automatización de la divisa para el comercio de Hands-Free.)

Otras posiciones en forex para tipos de computadora incluyen diseñadores de experiencia de usuario, desarrolladores web, administradores de redes y sistemas y técnicos de soporte.

Opciones de trabajo adicionales Además de las carreras de forex específicas, altamente técnicas descritas anteriormente, las empresas de divisas también necesitan llenar las mismas posiciones que todas las empresas necesitan para llenar, como los de recursos humanos y contabilidad. Si usted piensa que está interesado en una carrera en el mercado de divisas, pero aún no tiene el fondo o la experiencia necesaria para una posición técnica, considere la posibilidad de obtener los pies mojados en una posición de negocio en general. Incluso una posición de apoyo administrativo le dará una muestra del ambiente de trabajo forex. Para estudiantes universitarios, muchas empresas de forex ofrecen pasantías.

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Aunque es posible lograr la innovación sin investigación y desarrollo y es posible llevar a cabo la investigación y el desarrollo. Leer la respuesta completa >>

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Cinco agencias reguladoras federales aprobaron y son conjuntamente responsables de hacer cumplir la regla de Volcker. Estas agencias incluyen. Leer la respuesta completa >>

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Hay varios cursos muy aclamados privados de la serie 6 de examen en los Estados Unidos. Muchos se pueden completar en línea. Popular. Leer la respuesta completa >>

Estrategia de comercio de divisas # 5 (5x5 sistema simple)

Enviado por Edward Revy el 28 de febrero de 2007 - 15:46.

Basta con ver lo que esta estrategia comercial tiene que decir. Es un método de comercio de Forex simple pero bastante prometedor. Estrategias comerciales como esta sólo pueden ser descubiertas a través de una observación larga y determinada del comportamiento de los precios.

Para comenzar: Moneda: CUALQUIER Plazo: 1 día Indicadores: 5 SMA, RSI 5

Reglas de entrada: Comprar cuando el precio cruce más de 5 SMA y hace + 10 pips arriba, el RSI debe ser mayor de 50. Vender cuando el precio cruza por debajo de los 5 SMA y hace +10 pips hacia abajo, el RSI debe ser inferior a 50. Salir Reglas: no establecido.

Es un sistema muy simple, pero con resultados bastante impresionantes. Recuerde siempre tomar acciones / entrar en el comercio sólo después de que la vela de señalización esté cerrada.

Esta estrategia o idea comercial se puede utilizar para crear una versión más avanzada de comercio.

Enviado por Usuario el 16 de mayo de 2007 - 14:32.

¿Dónde establecería ur la pérdida de parada para este sistema?

Enviado por Edward el 16 de mayo de 2007 - 15:59.

Yo recomendaría establecer una pérdida de parada para una posición larga: 5 pips por debajo de la vela que cerró por encima de 5 SMA por primera vez. Lo mismo cuando Shorting - 5 pips por encima de la vela que ha cerrado por debajo de 5 SMA por primera vez.

Enviado por Usuario el 17 de mayo de 2007 - 12:08.

¿Hay alguna manera este sistema puede ser ajustado para filtrar mejores operaciones?

Enviado por Edward Revy el 18 de mayo de 2007 - 02:28.

Probablemente si. Aunque no tengo una solución absoluta, probablemente puede intentar agregar 150 SMA en el gráfico para obtener una idea de una tendencia y luego negociar sólo en la dirección de la misma, p. Sólo Comprar órdenes durante una tendencia alcista, sólo Vender órdenes - tendencia de bajada. Esto definitivamente se convertirá en un comercio más seguro.

El otro método que intentaría es simplemente dibujar líneas de canal paralelo cada vez que vea el precio de bobinado - el comercio en un rango estrecho. Entonces no intentaría entrar en un comercio hasta que este canal esté roto. Eduardo.

Enviado por PW el 16 de septiembre de 2007 - 09:17.

¿Ha cambiado este sistema últimamente? Me ha ido muy bien hasta ahora. ¿Tiene alguna otra forma de hacerla mejor? Gracias, PW

Enviado por Edward Revy el 16 de septiembre de 2007 - 10:38.

No he cambiado éste por algún tiempo ahora. Me alegro de que funcionó para usted bien, debería.

Hm, es una tarea bastante sugerir algo al respecto. Voy a tener esto en mente. No tengo ninguna solución decente para ofrecer, sin embargo, puede ser mi equipo tiene; Y, por supuesto, sería genial escuchar cualquier sugerencia de nuestros usuarios de la web!

Enviado por Usuario el 1 de octubre de 2007 - 13:45.

¿Importa si el RSI está subiendo o bajando? ¿O es el valor la única cosa relevante a considerar?

Top 5 Corredores de Forex

Top 5 Corredores de Forex

Encuentre los mejores corredores de forex en línea

Los mejores corredores de Forex han recogido 5 corredores de Forex mejor calificados por los expertos profesionales. Los 5 corredores listados son muy recomendados por muchos comerciantes de todo el mundo, que nos proporcionan un spread bajo, un alto apalancamiento, grandes promociones de bonificación, Y más libre contect cada semana, cada month. You puede hacer pleno uso de los corredores de forex top 5, ganar su bonificación, incluso ganar el premio. Elija su mejor corredor de Forex, a continuación, hacer más ganancias con los 5 corredores de Forex.

Comience a negociar Forex en línea hoy.

Al visitar Top 5 Corredores de Forex. Usted puede encontrar los mejores corredores de divisas en línea. Todos los corredores de comercio de divisas tenían sus propios beneficios especiales. Y nuestra clasificación se basa en los beneficios, software, spreads, información y más. Si usted es un nuevo comerciante de divisas, todos ellos ofrecen una cuenta de práctica libre, que puede aprender fácilmente cómo están trabajando antes de empezar con el comercio de efectivo real.

1. HotForex - el mejor corredor de la divisa. HotForex es un galardonado, totalmente regulado y licenciado en línea de divisas y corredores de materias primas. Ofrece varias cuentas hotforex (Micro Premium Currenex Cuenta V. I.P Cuenta Cuenta Islámica), software de comercio y herramientas de comercio para el comercio de Forex y Commodities para los individuos, gestores de fondos y clientes institucionales. Los clientes minoristas, IB y White Label tienen la oportunidad de acceder a los spreads interbancarios ya la liquidez a través de plataformas de negociación automatizadas de vanguardia.

HotForex proporciona el comercio financiero en línea en forex y CFDs en materias primas, oro, plata e índices. HotForex (HF Markets LTD) fue fundada en 2010 en Mauricio. HotForex permite el comercio a través de una gran variedad de tamaños de lote y con un apalancamiento de hasta 1: 1000.

XM (XeMarkets) es un nombre comercial de Trading Point Holdings Ltd, un proveedor de servicios financieros que ofrece comercio en línea en los mercados financieros mundiales.

Los clientes de XM se benefician del acceso directo a los mercados financieros en más de 100 instrumentos financieros incluyendo forex, índices de acciones, metales preciosos y energías, con precios transparentes en tiempo real, diferenciales más bajos y apalancamiento flexible. 100% de bonificación en el depósito.

3. InstaForex - el mejor corredor de la divisa en Asia. Comience el comercio de Forex hoy en InstaForex. Como el nombre dijo que el comercio de divisas instantánea. Un montón de opciones para financiar y retirar como paypal, alertpay, reserva de libertad. Pecunix, transferencia bancaria y muchos más. Gran concurso donde puedes ganar coches como un loto, Porsche Cayenne u otros grandes coches, y también un increíble concurso anual de $ 500,000. Ni el tamaño de la cuenta ni el volumen de transacción son limitados. Existen más de 300 símbolos comerciales. FOREX. Existencias Futuros e índices. Transacciones se ejecutan de inmediato, dentro de la segunda, el apoyo técnico y de consultoría calificado 24 horas al día, apalancamiento hasta 1: 1000, sin swap-Forex cuentas sin cargos.

Únase a instaforex y comience a operar hoy.

4. EXENCIÓN Hacer ingresos adicionales de la manera rápida y fácil Al invertir $ 1.000 en el mercado de divisas con EXNESS. La misión de Exness incluye ofrecer a socios y clientes servicios financieros asequibles, responsables y de calidad basados ​​en tecnología avanzada. Exness presta servicios responsables, asequibles y de calidad basados ​​en un acercamiento personal a las necesidades de cada cliente. La estabilidad de la empresa depende de su capacidad para conocer mejor la dinámica de la situación del mercado, controlar la aparición de nuevas herramientas y flujos de trabajo. Hoy en día, la empresa ofrece a sus clientes y socios una amplia gama de servicios para las empresas y la inversión eficiente.

Apalancamiento de hasta 1: 2000 para Forex Mini y cuenta de Forex Classic. Excelente ejecución de órdenes. Mínimo flotante

5. Markets. com. Markets. com. Domiciliada en Limassol, Chipre, fue fundada en 2006 como Arbat Capital Limited. En 2009, Arbat Capital Limited recibió el nombre de SafeCap Investments Limited, que ahora posee y opera Markets. com, una Firma de Inversión de Chipre (CIF), que está licenciada y regulada por la Comisión de Valores de Chipre (CySEC). Markets. com permite negociar en más de 200 índices, oro, petróleo, acciones, materias primas y monedas.

Usted puede obtener poco "bonos de bienvenida" para iniciar su cuenta y el comercio; Hay regulación financiera por al menos 2 diferentes organismos reguladores y paquetes comerciales que lo hacen fácil, no importa cómo usted vive y el comercio! No sólo cada nuevo cliente recibe un bono gratis de $ 25 para empezar, sino que ofrece un bono de inicio de hasta $ 2.000 - una cantidad considerable, prácticamente inaudito en la industria. Markets. com es un líder mundial cuando se trata de comercio En resumen, Markets. com se destaca en todos los sentidos y hace que la experiencia comercial sea agradable.

Hoy en día, le estamos ofreciendo Forex 5 Stars System - posiblemente uno de los más precisos Trend-catchers en el mercado:

Negociación precisa sólo de acuerdo con una tendencia. ¡Usted puede estar seguro - de ahora en adelante la tendencia es su amigo PARA SIEMPRE! Usted podría utilizar cualquier par de divisas. Comercio en 1-5-10-30 pares de divisas. Sólo tú puedes decidir cuántos pares usar. Usted recibe TODOS los tipos de señales: sonidos, señales gráficas, alertas, correos electrónicos. Con las notificaciones como estas que sería difícil prescindir de nada ... Crecimiento de depósito suave. Comercio, utilizando unos pares de divisas al mismo tiempo y ganar más. Comercio en pares múltiples y ganar exponencialmente mucho más. A partir de ahora, el comercio no requerirá tanto de su tiempo, esfuerzo y atención. Todas las tareas difíciles Forex 5 estrellas ahora hará por usted.

SCREENSHOTS: "Forex 5 Stars & quot; RESULTADOS! (Screenshots reales. HAGA CLIC para ampliar)

USDJPY: + 61 pips

USDCHF: + 48 pips

EURUSD: + 45 pips

Ganancia total: 178 pips = $ 1, 78 0, 00 en 4 días (tamaño de lote 1.0)

$ 1,780 (178 pips) es lo que conseguimos simplemente siguiendo las señales de comercio con 1,0 Tamaño de lote en sólo 4 días de negociación. Así es como funciona el sistema: Forex 5 Stars capta la tendencia, le envía las señales, las sigue y tiene su beneficio estable.

EL TRUCO: ¡La unicidad de este informador que trabaja con CUALQUIER MONEDA PAREJA! Si hay una señal plana y no hay señales en el par, compruebe el otro!

Tu mejor amigo: PREGUNTA NÚMERO UNO: ¿Quién es tu mejor amigo en Forex?

¿Un corredor? ¿O, tal vez, otro comerciante?

Su único amigo en Forex es mercado TENDENCIA! Sólo el conocimiento de una Tendencia le permitirá operar con éxito y muy rentable. Sólo una tendencia le permitiría hacer dinero real.

Tomar decisiones utilizando nuestro Forex 5 estrellas ha conseguido 5 veces más fácil. Forex 5 estrellas ofrece todas las pistas necesarias, dejando a usted sólo tomar la decisión. Usted podría seguir las indirectas, pero usted puede también hacer todo "contra el grano".

Usted es el jefe de su comercio y el Forex 5 estrellas es el mejor de los asistentes y amigos que te puedas imaginar.

Just how exactly Forex 5 Stars works:

Forex 5 Stars sends signals to a trader. Signals are: Sound, Arrow in a chart, Alert and E-mail . We tried our best to come up with all possible types of signals, so that you could get them no matter what.

Forex 5 Stars sends signals in the following cases: When an order needs to be opened. When it’s necessary to change Stop Loss. When the order needs to be closed (if it wasn’t closed earlier by Stop Loss).

* will be available in the next upgrade

Let’s look closer at 3 types of signals

When you place Forex 5 Stars in a chart of any currency pair, it immediately starts to search for a trend. The main goal of Forex 5 Stars is to find an ideal moment for opening an order. When such a moment has been found, you receive your first signal:

Forex 5 Stars doesn’t use Take Profit. It’s simply impossible to predict just how long the trend would last and how powerful it is going to be. When the trend is powerful, the order may close on Take Profit prematurely and the trader won’t take the entire potential profit.

A trader, having received a signal, opens an order. Forex 5 Stars begins searching and following a trend. There may be any kind of situation on the market, so in order not to take losses when the situation becomes not overly favorable, we ALWAYS recommend to use Stop Loss. The level of Stop Loss will be conveyed to you by Forex 5 Stars in the Open Order alert.

If all Forex 5 Stars’ calculations are correct, it doesn’t make sense to keep Stop Loss in one place. The most logical decision is to move Stop Loss following the price. It may look like a Trailing Stop, but the built-in algorithms in the Forex 5 Stars are much more intelligent than that.

This signal conveys a new Stop Loss level.

Very Important. Stop Loss is necessary for prevention and protection from a sudden reversal. We take a great care in making sure that our members earn as much money as they can and while doing so, lose as little as they possibly can.

That is why Forex 5 Stars will be sending you signals at the beginning of every candle. Please don’t neglect the Stop Loss. After all, we’d like to make sure you are well protected from the unexpected Forex surprises.

If you trade on H1 timeframe, the Stop Loss modification signals will be arriving once every hour (at the beginning of the next hourly candle). If you trade on H4 timeframe, the Stop Loss modification signals will be arriving once every 4 hours (at the beginning of the next 4-hour candle). If you trade on D1 timeframe, the Stop Loss modification signals will be arriving once a day (at the beginning of the next daily candle).

The moment Forex 5 Stars defines the end of a trend, it sends you the third type of notification:

Close Order: The moment Forex 5 Stars defines the end of a trend, it sends you the third type of notification:

Having received this signal, please close the order. In certain cases the order can be closed on Stop Loss.

What to do if you missed the signal?

In the event that you missed the signal or are located away from your computer when the signal arrives, don’t worry:


Forex 5 Stars is specifically tuned to reveal major trends, that usually last for more than 5 hours. Once you find yourself again in front of the computer after you had missed the signal, assess the situation. If you see that the trend is relatively smooth, you can safely open an order.

Sin embargo . if you see that within the past half an hour to an hour the price moved about 80-100 pips, it’s quite possible that the trend is affected by the news and will run its course quite soon. In this situation we don’t advise that you open an order. Instead, simply wait for the next signal. Greed is the worst adviser on Forex. And just to be absolutely sure that you never miss a signal, we highly recommend that you pay close attention to your cell phone. In the overwhelming majority of the modern phones there’s a built-in mail client.

Set it up and you’ll be able to get signals no matter where you happen to be. The only thing you’d need to do after that is to get to your computer as soon as possible and follow the instructions Forex 5 Stars had sent you.

HOW many signals?

FOREX 5 Stars = Middle-term and Long-term Trading. You get to chose your own trading style, by simply switching timeframes.

Trading on H1 timeframe, you receive 1 (one) signal to open an order approximately once every 2-3 days (middle-term trading).

Trading on H4 and even D1 timeframes, you become a true Long-term trader. In this case you trade only on the most powerful trends, lasting somewhere between 1 to 3 months.

The frequency of the accompanying signals (stop-loss modification signals) also depends on your timeframe. Using H1 timeframe, you will be receiving accompanying signals somewhere around once per hour. Using H4, it’s once for every 4 (four) hours and using D1 – once a day.

Look at the example below: 3-days performance (GBPUSD)

Infrequent or rare signals?

Someone could calculate that getting a signal once every 2-3 days is not enough.

January 18, 2012, 09:00 am: Using a pair of EURUSD a signal received to buy at the price of 1.27969.

January 19, 2012, 4:04 pm a signal is received to close this order at a price of 1.28871.

Total: 902 points (90 pips). 902 points = $90 with a minimal lot of 0.1 or 902 points = $902 with a lot of 1.0

Just imagine this: $902,00 in just 2 days using only 1 currency pair.

And now take a look at your terminal: how many currency pairs are there?

So, you still think that one “quality” signal every 2-3 days is still not frequent enough? Which one of the two do you prefer: making money or making a “show” at any price?

an OPINION of a professional trader: "Trend is your friend" . Each time I hear that, I imagine piles of money that I could make on trends. And right about that moment, my dreams are shattered into thousands of pieces against the “wall of reality”. Having been trading for 4 years, I haven’t found a single instrument that would define a trend with at least 70% probability through at least 2-3 day period.

However, all that is in the past. Now I got myself Forex 5 Stars . and it is indeed a 5-star trend catcher. Its effectiveness and ability to track down a trend and filter out false reversals is amazing.

My deposit with some of the most conservative Money Management and trading on 3 currency pairs increased by 134% in just one month. If any of my colleagues-traders would have told me this, I wouldn’t believe it in a million years. However, it’s a fact!

So, just HOW MUCH can I earn.

We can’t give you an answer to that question. Forex 5 Stars isn’t a robot that trades on its own. Each trader will show different results and it all depends on the trader himself.

However, we can publish our findings for the month of January, 2012.

TOTAL NET PROFIT: $19,620 by using 6 pairs (lot 1.0)

As you can see, Forex 5 Stars performs exceptionally!

Due to precise definition of a trend and flat, you receive qualified signals. And despite market volatility and fluctuations, the trend will always be a trend. With Forex 5 Stars a trend will always be your friend.

1962 pips. is it ENOUGH for YOU?

Making 1500-2000 pips a month is not all that much to some people, so we are frequently asked as to why we show such low numbers as our baseline?

To simply answer that question, it is “your trust” that we never want to lose!

Indeed, there are some companies out there, who, in order to lure a customer in, resort to false promises of quite unrealistic earnings just to sell their products. We, on the other hand, respect our customers’ intelligence and never engage in false advertisement. In all the years we’ve been in business, we’ve never let our customers down.

What does the "1962 pips" ¿media? $1,962. $58,860 depending on your lot size

Our recommendation: use "middle" variant - this is what we do every time while testing any products.

Which currency pairs should I chose? You can trade on ANY currency pair. Even on all of them at the same time. That’s right – precisely that: open all pairs and trade on all of them.

However, you should remember several important points: A signal can arrive at any time of the day or night. If you happened to have only one pair and the signal arrived at night – that’s no big deal. But what if you have 20 pairs and you receive around 5 signals at night?

Stop Loss modification signals will be arriving approximately once every hour (if you happened to trade on H1). So, if you trade on 20 pairs, you’ll receive 20 signals. Don’t overestimate your abilities to deal with the situation.

Margin. In order to open an order, a broker typically freezes a certain part of your deposit. It’s called Margin. Margin depends on both, Lot Volume and Leverage.

The higher the Lot Volume, the higher the Margin. The lower the Leverage, the higher the Margin. If you open many orders simultaneously, your Margin may exceed your deposit and the broker will be forced to close your orders. If you want to learn about Margin and Leverage in greater detail, you can get additional information from your broker’s support team.

Just ask yourself: Why did you join Forex? That’s an important question. Virtually every trader will respond that he/she’s here for the money.

However, our research reveals many other reasons. Judge for yourself:

Experienced traders (from 18 months and up on Forex)

67% of the beginner traders view Forex as a Casino. They come to win.

51% of the beginner traders try their hand at scalping, since it gives them a rush of adrenaline.

90% of the beginner traders would like to open at least 10 or more trades per day.

94% of the beginner traders don’t view it as a job. To them – it’s an entertainment.

93% of the beginner traders lose their deposit within the first 3 weeks of trading.

87% of the beginner traders lose their SECOND deposit immediately following the first one.

9% of experienced traders will admit that there is an element of gambling-like excitement.

11% of experienced traders sometimes entertain themselves with scalping, but they do it rarely and only on demo.

97% of experienced traders utilize timeframes no lower than H1.

82% of experienced traders open no less than 10 trades per month.

94% of experienced traders refer to trading as their job.

90% of experienced traders consider a month to be a profitable one if their deposit grows 25%.

* The 2011 research conducted amongst 61000 of our members.

If you joined Forex for its excitement along with a rush of adrenaline, if you rather preferred a “show” at any cost, then we’d advise you to try your hand at scalping systems. The real probability of some serious and extended earnings there is miniscule, but you’ll get your kicks one way or the other – that’s for sure!

Sin embargo . if you came to Forex to improve your financial situation; if you already had your share of “spectacular” events and strong emotions and you are motivated to be on Forex by a healthy desire to make some serious money, you’ve come to the right place.

It is the Forex 5 Stars in particular that will help you in your quest.

It is the Forex 5 Stars that will give you the opportunity to make money in peace and quiet, without major impacts on your nervous system, by simply following our system’s signals.

It’s with the help of Forex 5 Stars . besides turning a profit, you also get some time to self-educate yourself along with an extra time to spare on your family or a hobby.

Forex 5 Stars will allow you to view Forex as a genuine reward for your honest work, instead of viewing it as a way of making (or losing) some crazy money by rolling the dice in a casino.

What separates a professional trader from a novice trader?

Being calm and self-assured. A profit trader has everything under control. He/she never opens a trade on the off chance or at random.

Instead, all of his/her actions are well-thought out and all possible risks are calculated. You’ll never encounter a professional Forex trader utilizing scalping. Y.


¿Sabes por qué? Because professional trader always thinks about tomorrow.

A professional trader doesn’t want to risk

A professional trader doesn’t want to be dependent on minute price fluctuations that may equally bring a large profit, as well as a major loss.

A professional trader will save his nerves and his health.

A professional trader knows that NOT losing is much more important than a momentary winning, no matter how much. Even if it’s some really crazy money…

A professional trader protects his reputation. Loss of money equals “loss of a reputation”.

Therefore, based on these FIVE principals, professionals always choose middle-term and long-term trading. And trade EXCLUSIVELY according to a trend.

5 Forex 5 Stars’ properties.

Trend Search precision algorithm. Trend is variable. Trend isn’t constant. Trend is observable in the past, but nearly invisible in the present point in time. Forex 5 Stars is distinguished by superb exactitude of tracking it down. Forex 5 Stars is based upon an algorithm that utilizes our “Advanced ITM Curl” technology.

Adaptive currency habit system. Forex 5 Stars automatically adapts to any currency pair that you get to choose to trade on. Even if you trade on exotic pairs such as NZDSGD, you still count on a stable income.

Flat/Range determination. The task of precise determination of the periods with side activity (flat) is one of the most difficult tasks in Forex. The overwhelming majority of algorithms either perceive the expansion of volatility within the boundaries of flat as a trend, or define the beginning of a trade way too late. In sharp contrast, our system is completely devoid of these shortcomings. The flat is defined exactly, regardless of the price range.

Smart smoothing functions. Depending on the economic news, time of the day, active trading sessions, price quotations can behave quite unstably and erratically. It’s especially noticeable when important economic news comes out, when price quotations could be observed getting overly active. These fluctuations, nevertheless, don’t always constitute a change in trend. Thus, particularly for the purpose of cutting out these false signals, we’ve employed our algorithm.

Stop Loss Level assistant. Another algorithm that’s entrusted with a maintenance of an open order. It conveys to a trader the correct levels to modify Stop Loss. It’s fine-tuned in such a way, that an open order should close at the most optimal moment.

So, what separates Informer from Robot? Let’s look at how they differ more closely.

Indicator – the result of mathematical computations based on price and/or value indicators. Provides rich graphical information a trader can utilize to make various decisions.

Robot – program that runs according to a specified strategic algorithm. During its operation it utilizes a few indicators. Offers rather poor graphic information on a chart, but opens and closes orders by itself. Requires no trader participation.

Both systems have pluses and minuses. However, Forex 5 Stars is an informer and combines the best of both I n dicator and R obot.

Informer – program that runs according to a specified strategic algorithm. During its operation it utilizes a few indicators. It provides a trader with all necessary statistical facts. Informs trader by means of signals, text alerts and electronic e-mails. The information is not provided to a trader in the form of a graphics ‘pile’, but in an easy-to-read text format.

Forex 5 Stars algorithm utilizes 6 redesigned and 8 newly developed exclusive proprietary indicators. Forex 5 Stars "thinks" about Forex ONLY! That's why the System "knows" Forex much better than a human! REALLY!

BUT! Please, REMEMBER: You are the boss of your trade and the Forex 5 Stars is just the best of any assistants and friends you could imagine.

Only 5 minutes to Install

The system is very simple and effective. You won’t spend more than 5 minutes from the moment you install it until you begin using it.

This alone, makes our product highly useful, practical and appealing, particularly to the novices.

All of its graphics are easy-to-understand and it doesn’t require any kind of comparison, referencing or even memorizing rules and exceptions. It’s sufficient enough just to memorize 2 basic rules and you are well on your way to utilize the System.

Super Bonuses: What is more . Forex 5 Stars is not the only thing you get, you will also be pleasantly surprised by 2 (two) extra bonuses that we will carefully enclose into the each order made today.



This is the First if its kind offer, but please keep in mind that nothing can last for ever - this is the limited time offer that is available for a few more days only!

By popular demand, we are now placing testimonials on our website. We’re treating this section with a certain degree of caution, as some developers frequently post in their “testimonials” sections deliberate and carefully crafted misinformation, often fabricating these so-called “testimonials”. We, on the other hand, shy away from these types of practice, since we highly respect our client’s intelligence. As a result, we’ll be publishing a detailed information.

Please note: All information below was received from the actual people with real contact information.

Never before have we invited our clients to join our team, however, this time we’ve decided to give this rare opportunity to test our product to ABSOLUTELY DIFFERENT people. We chose 4 people and asked them to expound on their impressions from using our product.

Should you wish to do so, you could always contact these people by email for more detailed information.

"My colleagues and I got an invitation to Beta-test Forex 5 Stars. To be honest with you, at first we were quite skeptical. There aren’t too many systems with the specs like Forex 5 Stars has. We just couldn’t believe that so many features were all crammed inside one product… A month passed by since the day we started testing the program. I, along with 4 of my colleagues, were trying out this program on demo-accounts. ¿El resultado? At the very least, surprising, as the Forex 5 Stars is a superbly engineered product for a mid-term trading. The system clearly “catches” a trend and sends out a signal for when to close the order at the best possible moment… Wow… No matter where I’d be, I kept getting signals sent to me by the system. There hasn’t been a single instance that I’d miss one…The only thing that was left for me to do, was to remotely log in my working computer and make some moves that Forex 5 Stars had recommended. I’m extra pleased and want to highly recommend Forex 5 Stars to all traders, who value stability and professionalism. & Quot;

Dietrich Weiss Munich, Germany dietrich. weiss@hotmail. com "Forex isn’t my occupation, despite my involvement with it for nearly 3 years. During that time I’ve managed to locate 2 other products that satisfied my needs. I’m against robots, since I can’t control a robot. A close friend of mine, a professional trader, introduced me to Rita. She, in turn, sent me Forex 5 Stars and asked me to test-drive it for about a month. I do a lot of testing for many different companies, as I’m quite diligent when it comes to anything I do. Forex 5 Stars seemed like a quite capable and mature product. A week and a half later, after testing it on a demo account, I started testing it on a real micro-lot account. At first I’d trade only on USDCHF and then I also added USDJPY and EURCHF. The system impressed me. With micro-lots, just in 2 weeks, working on 3 currency pairs, I managed to make myself a whole $241.00 with a starting deposit of just a $100. Beginning February, I plan on opening up a special account to trade exclusively using Forex 5 Stars. I wish Rita Lasker lots of success in her business – her new trade product is my new favorite. & Quot;

Chuk W. Barrymore Wilmington, NC, USA chukbarrymore@yahoo. com "My wife Delores and I are retired. She is 62 and I’m 67. She is constantly busy in our garden. I spend my time either in the garage or in front of a computer screen. My son Ivan, about 2 years ago introduced me to Forex. And since that time each and every day I was learning bit by bit about trading. The only thing I can tell you is that it was the time very well spent. I served in the Navy when I was younger, so observing wave-like price fluctuations would throw me back in my memories to the days of my military service. It felt as if I, once again, found myself amidst the Atlantic Ocean on top of a deck. Where the wind is so strong, that it almost knocks you down. And he waves rocking the boat so hard, that it felt like just one more hit of that raging power and it would send my soul to the “All Mighty, where I’d feel young and strong all over again… Well, enough of fantasizing and “excursions in the past” – my wife always nags me that I constantly spend my days daydreamin’… Anyway, thank you, Rita, for the Forex 5 Stars. You sent Forex 5 Stars to my son, but he ain’t got time for it now -- he’s just got a second son (my 4th grandson). So, I started testing Forex 5 Stars. Hope you aren’t upset that we switched. From Father to Son, from Son to Father! Now, about the Forex 5 Stars: I installed Forex 5 Stars in the terminals of two brokers: Forex. com and FXDD. I waited a whole day, but never got a single signal. That put me on guard. The next day, December 20, I got the signals on both terminals. The very first trade on EURUSD brought in 42 pips of profit on Forex. com and 49 pips of profit on FXDD. Not thinking for too long, I started trading on a real account. I was overly cautious at first. I’d open small lots and then I got a bit more brave. Now I trade with a lot of 0.5. My results may be modest by other people’s standards, but I read somewhere on the internet that there are people who make millions. Could it simply be an advertising? As of today, I’ve earned myself $8,404 and I’ve got an idea where I’m gonna spend it. For a long time I’ve been wanting to fix an extension to my house and I also want to help my son as well, now that he has 1 daughter and 2 sons.

Thank you Rita and may God Bless you! Chuck W. Barrymore."

"I’ve been trading for just 2 months. I think I’m the one with the least of Forex 5 Stars experience. I started trading right away on 12 currency pairs and quickly learned what a Margin Call is. My broker offered me a very low leverage and I never knew anything about it. However, as soon as I learned about Margin and Lot Volume and what maximally acceptable lot I could use, my trade really took off. The entire January I’ve been working on 7 currency pairs. At times it wasn’t that simple, since you get 7 separate orders open at the same time, but I got used to it. Now I’m thinking about trading using the whole 12 pairs, since now I know that the more pairs you trade on, the more money you make. My January profit using 7 pairs so far has been $13,310. Forex 5 Stars is extremely comfortable money-making system for novices who haven’t been on Forex for too long. & Quot;

Still having doubts?

Having doubts is normal – it’s a typical reaction of any person to the unknown. Doubts and skepticism are normal responses of any serious trader.

We fully understand your doubts and equally share your concerns. However, just think for a moment: what have you got to lose?

If you happened to be a careful trader, having bought Forex 5 Stars won’t immediately put you into trading on a real account.

We highly recommend that you try Forex 5 Stars on different pairs, with different brokers for a minimum of 2 weeks (and on a Demo-account), and only after you’ve sufficiently gotten your feet wet, should you begin to trade on a real one.

Think of it this way: WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO LOSE?

This is not to say that we doubt our own system – quite the opposite. This speaks volumes about the fact that we consider our members to be serious, thoughtful and responsible traders, and our mission is to give them the best possible instrument for a profitable Forex trading.

Should you be unhappy with the system, we’ll issue a full refund during a 30-day period from the day of purchase.

We suppose that one-month trial period should be enough time for you to fully appreciate all of the wonderful advantages of using Forex 5 Stars.

Download it and try it Risk-Free.

5 Reasons Why You Need To Buy Forex 5 Stars Right Now:

It is THE BEST our smart software that allows you to determine the trend, to open, modify and close orders.

You can use ANY pairs you want. Increase your profit by using MORE currency pairs!

The system doesn’t require any special skills and is equally useful for novices as well as the seasoned Forex professionals.

You get 2 FANTASTIC BONUSES! This is an EXCEPTIONAL offer!

You’ve got nothing to lose – you have our rock-solid 30-Day Money Back Guarantee and 7/24/365 on-line support.

We proudly announce that our support team now operates virtually around the clock, 24 hours a day.

You’ll be pleasantly surprised that all your questions will be answered virtually immediately.

Try to submit a question and you’ll come to realize that we are THE fastest and most responsive team out there. Agree - it’s imperative when your money’s at stake. That means that should you have any questions, no matter how trivial, we’ll answer any in a rapid-response manner.

Our Support team is available at Skype and ICQ for now. Please feel free to connect us by:

We ABSOLUTELY guarantee that our support team’s response time is MUCH faster than any other out there. Take our word for it – you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

This is the First if its kind offer, but please keep in mind that nothing can last for ever - this is the limited time offer that is available to you for few more days only.

This is limited time offer!

Q: Forex 5 Stars: is it a robot or an Indicator? A: Forex 5 Stars is an Informer. It combines some of the best features of an Indicator and a robot at the same time and sends signals to a trader, but leaves a decision to open or close orders up to him.

Q: What brokers does your system work with best? A: Our system works flawlessly with all brokers. Don’t concern yourself with choosing a broker at all and our system operates without a single glitch on real computers as well as on VPS.

Q: How often does Forex 5 Stars send out the signals? Exactly just how much time will I need to spend in front of a computer? A: That, once again, depends on how many currency pairs and on what timeframe you trade. If you trade on H1 and you receive a signal to open an order, afterwards, you will receive signals once every hour. If you trade on H4 – the signal will arrive once every 4 hours. If you trade on D1, you will receive 1 signal per day. On average, a signal to open an order arrives once every 2-3 days (on H1 timeframe).

Q: Does Forex 5 Stars give Stop Loss and Take Profit levels? A: Forex 5 Stars informs a trader of a Stop Loss level. With this system it’s quite impractical to limit your potential earnings by a fixed Take Profit level. A trader closes an order either by a Forex 5 Stars signal or the order closes by itself according to Stop Loss.

Q: In order for me to receive Forex 5 Stars signals, should I keep my computer on at all times? A: Of course! Forex 5 Stars constantly monitors market conditions – that is why it needs to be online constantly.

Q: My deposit is $1200. How many pairs can I trade on? A: That depends on Margin and Leverage that your broker offers. Please contact your broker’s support team for additional information on what Margin size gets frozen for each full lot and based on that information, make a decision on just how many pairs and with what lot size you want to trade.

Q: Is it necessary to trade on a large number of currency pairs? A: We suggest that you start with 1 or 2. As soon you understand how the system works, you can slowly increase the number of pairs.

Q: After I install Forex 5 Stars, what will I see? A: If you follow installation instructions, you will see in the upper right corner of the terminal a “Forex 5 Stars” heading and a smiley emoticon. That indicates that you correctly installed Forex 5 Stars on your system. Next, you’ll need to wait for a signal to arrive. As soon Forex 5 Stars finds the most appropriate moment to open an order, you will receive an audible notification, and see an arrow in the chart, as well as an Alert and e-mail notification will arrive at your electronic mailbox, (given that you properly tuned your MetaTrader).

Q: I’ve got a computer at work and a home notebook and I usually trade from both places. Do you limit the use of the program to only one (1) computer? A: Yes, we expressly ask that our customers don’t use our program on more than one (1) computer at a time. Besides, the system can be installed only on 1 real account, with a maximum number of Demo accounts set at 5. All our products are traceable through the internet, so please don’t violate this ‘intellectual property’ policy.

Q: I read that if I ask for a refund, my program will stop working after 30 days from the date of purchase? However, if I happened to like the program, do I need to renew/extend my license or you will do it automatically? A: After 30 days if you don’t request a refund and if you are happy with the program, please e-mail our support team and indicate the name of your product, order number and the date of purchase. We will renew your license free of charge.

We absolutely guarantee your satisfaction!

REMEMBER: We thought you might like to know and it would be worth noting that part of the proceeds is transferred to the Environmental Protection Fund. Acquiring any of our great products, you’re not only getting a top-notch financial instrument, but at the same time help ecologically protect our beautiful blue planet.

Somos verdaderos creyentes que las generaciones futuras nos agradecerán por cuidarlos de esa manera. Puede calentar su corazón, sabiendo que con cada dólar que gana, usted también hace una contribución de un tipo diferente en la preservación y mejoramiento de nuestra hermosa Madre Tierra.

This is the First if its kind offer, but please keep in mind that nothing can last for ever - this is the limited time offer that is available to you for few more days only.

Press the “Add to cart” button and we will process your payment information. Once completed, we will send you complete instructions on how to download and install Forex 5 Stars System.

También le mostraremos cómo obtener ayuda y apoyo inmediatos si lo necesita.

5 min Forex Trade Trading Estrategia

5 min Forex Trade Trading System funciona en todos los marcos de tiempo y para todos los pares & # 8211; Mejor utilizado en 5Min / 15min / para operaciones a corto plazo y 30min / 1Hr / 4hr / daily para operaciones a largo plazo)

1. LaGuerre 1 (para la entrada) & # 8211; Gamma 0.60, levels 0.15, 0.85,0.45 bars to read 9500 color Blue ( File name is Laguerre-ACS1.ex4 ) 2. LaGuerre 2 ( for exits ) – Gamma 0.80, niveles 0.15, 0.85, 0.45 barras para leer 9500, color Rojo (nombre de archivo es Laguerre-ACS1.ex4) Para el Lags Habilitar máximo fijo (

1,05) y mínimo fijo (

-0.05) on in the Common tab of the Laguerre indicator 3. Bollinger bands – 20, 0 and close ( default) ( This is very imp indicator as in uptrend the middle Bollinger acts as support and in downtrend it acts as resistance ) 4. EMA 200 ( Red ) and EMA 60 (Blue) to find support and resistance 5. Pivot Points . Para encontrar los niveles de beneficio diario y como indicación de las áreas de soporte / resistencia esperadas para el día. 6. MACD - Tradicional - Ajuste de 12,20,9 - Confirmación de crossover con Lags para entrada y salida. 7. StochHistogram & # 8211; Un indicador que muestra el estado de sobrecompra / sobreventa del mercado. Utilice los ajustes predeterminados de 14,3,3. Compra cuando el precio cruce a positivo. Vender cuando el precio cruza a negativo. El histograma verde significa que está en una tendencia alcista. El histograma rojo significa que está en una tendencia bajista.

I) First Setup ( Best Setup – Maybe able to catch moves of +50 to 150 pips ) For Long. Lo que hay que hacer es mirar primero si el precio está por encima del Pivote Diario, y luego mirar si el LaGuerre 1 (en lo sucesivo llamado Lag1) está por encima de 0.15 y va hacia arriba. StochHistogram (de ahora en adelante llamado como Stoch) ha pasado de negativo a positivo. MACD ha hecho un crossover a positivo (Crossover por encima de Zero Line) y LaGuerre 2 (de aquí en adelante llamado Lag2) está en la parte inferior (para Período Extendido de tiempo) o la tendencia hacia arriba por encima de 0.15.

Salidas por Largo (Opciones Múltiples - Elija cualquier opción según su Nivel de Beneficio de Toma)

1. When Lag-2 crossed 1.00 and then starts to come down below 0.85 2. When you get +50 pips 3. Daily R1 – ( First Resistance above Daily Pivot ) 4. Daily R2 – ( Second Resistance above Daily Pivot) 5. MACD crossover from Positive to Negative and Red lag is turning down 6. When Stoch Histogram goes from Positive to Negative, and Red Lag is pointing Down ( both conditions have to bemet. if not take 50% profit and let the trade run ) 7. When the Stop Loss is hit ( 20 pips + Spread ) – This is likely to happen only if you have not taken the trade as per rules or taken a trade 30 mins before or within 30 mins of news If anyone has more suggestions, kindly email me so I can look into it and add to the exits.

Para abreviar. Lo que hay que hacer es primero mirar si el LaGuerre 1 (en lo sucesivo llamado Lag1) está por debajo de 0.85 y va hacia abajo. StochHistogram (de ahora en adelante llamado como Stoch) ha pasado de positivo a negativo. MACD tiene crossover a Negativo de Positivo (debajo de Zero Lines) y LaGuerre 2 (de ahora en adelante llamado como Lag2) está en la parte superior (durante un período prolongado de tiempo) o tendencia hacia abajo por debajo de 0,85

Salidas a corto plazo (varias opciones: elija la opción que desee según su nivel de beneficio de toma)

8. When Lag-2 crossed 0.00 and then starts to come up to 0.15 9. When you get +50 pips 10. Daily S1 – ( First Support below Daily Pivot ) 11. Daily S2 – ( Second Support below Daily Pivot) 12. MACD has crossed over to positive and red lag is turning up 13. When Stoch Histogram goes from negative to positive, and Red Lag is pointing up ( both conditions have to be met. if not take 50% profit and let the trade run ) 14. When the Stop Loss is hit ( 25 Pips including Spread ) – This is likely to happen only if you have not taken the trade as per rules or taken a trade 30 mins before or within 30 mins of news

Stop Loss para todas las entradas para Long y Short es 20 pips más spread de la mejor configuración según las reglas.

Download 5 min Forex Trade Trading System Indicators, Template and Manual Download Include:

Estrategia escrita por forexstrategiesmentor. com en nombre de FMTI.

Become A Profitable Forex Trader In 5 Easy Steps

Note: The new version of the below article is published which is easier to follow. While I recommend you to read the below article also, please make sure not to miss the new version: Quick Start Guide For New Forex Traders

I always emphasize on this fact that making money through Forex trading is not as hard and complicated as what novice traders think. Almost all of those who start trading Forex, have a mentality and mindset from their past experiences. They “believe” that making money is too hard, because most of them had a hard time making money and covering their expenses. They “believe” they have to work long hours every day to make some money through Forex trading, because they really have been working for several hours to make money. day in day out, no matter what kind of business or job they had. They “believe” it is impossible to become wealthy, because either they never worked toward becoming wealthy, or if they did, they have never been in the right track, and they walked toward it while they believed they could not make it.

What happens when you start a new business with such a mentality? It will not work, and you will not succeed.

“Whether you think you can, or you cannot, you are right .”

Read the above sentence very carefully for few times, and think what Henry Ford was trying to say. He doesn’t say anything about what you want to do, or the kind of business you want to start. He just says, if you think you can, then you can. If you think you cannot, then you cannot.

According to Henry Ford, the first and most important obstacle resides in your own head, not outside, no matter what you want to do, either you want to start a business, or learn something new. The outside conditions are almost the same for anybody. If someone can, and someone else cannot, it is because of what they have in their minds, not because of the outside conditions. The conditions are almost the same for both. The difference is that the first person “believes” that he can, and the second person “believes” that he cannot.

Change your mindset, and you will see that everything changes around you:

I “believe” making money can sometimes be too hard in some kinds of businesses and jobs, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is the same in all businesses and jobs. Forex trading is a kind of business that makes money without having to work too hard.

I “believe” I don’t have to work long hours every day to make money through Forex trading. In this business, I have to be wise, precise and disciplined, not workaholic.

I “believe” I have everything to become a wealthy forex trader, because those who have become wealthy, didn’t have anything more than me. Same markets, charts, platforms, and…. I just need to plan, set my goals and start moving toward it. A wealthy person is not someone who works too much. It is someone who takes his steps correctly.

Review and revise your mindset now, and read the rest of this article when you done.

What Is the Closest Way to Become a Profitable Forex Trader?

Here is what you have to do to become a profitable forex trader. I don’t know how long does it take you to take all these steps. It can be different from person to person. But what I do know is that if you focus on the below steps, and you don’t waste your time looking for the other things (like Holy Grail ), you will reach the last step very soon. But, if you keep on fooling around, and trying different kinds of systems, indicators. robots. and…, you will have to spend several years of your life without getting any positive result. The grass is not greener at the other side.

1. Learn the Basics

If you are too new to forex trading and you don’t know what forex or currency trading is about, and how a trader decides to buy and sell currencies against each other, then read the below articles and watch the videos carefully. I don’t think it will take you more than a few or few days to do it. Even if you are not too new to forex trading, but you have not become profitable yet, I recommend you to read the below articles and watch the videos just once:

The above articles and videos teach you the basics. Complete your knowledge by following the below videos and articles:

2. Learn a Trading System

You have already passed this step (above). Candlestick patterns, Bollinger Bands ® and some technical analysis is the trading system we use to analyze the markets and locate the trade setups. This trading system was not invented by us. We just learned and mastered it. Candlesticks have been used for several decades by professional traders and investors on any markets you can imagine, from rice and wheat to gold and oil. And Bollinger Bands that was invented by John Bollinger in the 1980s, is a great complement for candlestick patterns. You have already learned about them by following the above articles and videos. It is up to you if you like to follow a different trading system, but keep in mind that our trading system and the way we use it, is the best and simplest in the long run. Follow the below articles, to complete your trading system and tune up your mind to use it properly:

We have also introduced a different approach in using the candlesticks and Bollinger Bands to trade. It is more mechanical and less technical, and you can use it as a second trading system:

Another mechanical trading system is the 50-day moving average :

Are you done reading the above article? Have you practised enough to learn how to locate and gauge the strong trade setups ?

You are all set if the answer is yes. Now you can go to the next step.

3. Demo Trading

Have you learned how your trading system works? If yes, then it is time to open a demo account and start demo trading to MASTER your trading system. Follow the below articles and videos to know what you should do in demo trading exactly. Don’t underestimate this step. It is very important:

4. Live Trading

Have you been able to repeat your success with your demo account for 3-6 consecutive months at least, the way it is explained in the above articles?

If I were you, I would not rush to start live trading, and I would keep on demo trading for three more months. You must build your confidence through demo trading. Repeating your success for few consecutive months tells you that…

You have mastered your system, and you are able to see and take the strong trade setups on time.

You know how to set the stop loss and target orders, and you do this precisely, strictly and religiously.

Your losses are small and controlled, and your gains are big, so that when your stop loss is triggered, your loss can be recovered by the next winning trade easily. This can be seen in all positions you take, not just in some of them.

You don’t feel sad or stressful when your stop loss is triggered. You know that it is just a small loss that can be easily recovered by the next winning trade.

You are disciplined enough to take the strong trade setups, and ignore the weak ones.

You enter only when you are 100% confident about the strength and accuracy of the trade setup, and you easily skip the “questionable” and “doubtful” trade setups that don’t look perfect.

If you have really reached this level, you can start live trading. Open a small live account. and treat it exactly like you treated your demo account. Don’t try to make a living through your live account as soon as you start live trading for the first time. First, you have to repeat your success with your live account for few consecutive months, the way you did with your demo account. Build your confidence in live trading, and trade it 100% emotion free, as if you are still trading a demo account.

Do not open a big live account at the beginning. Open a small live account, keep on trading with it, and raise it, no matter if you have hundreds of thousands of dollars in your bank account. For example if you have $100,000 in your savings account, just open a $2000 to $5000 live account. Trade with your live account until you double it, no matter how long does it take you to do that. Then withdraw the initial capital and leave the profit in your account, and keep on trading with your profit the way you have been trading with your initial capital. Don’t think that it doesn’t matter if you lose it, because it is just the profit you have made, not your capital. Never think like this even about a demo account. You can not afford to wipe out even a demo account. When it comes to serious trading there is no difference between a live and a demo account, and a small or big live account. You should have exactly the same discipline for all of them. This helps you maintain and improve your discipline, and keeps you from developing bad trading habits.

Keep on trading with your profit and raise it. Turn it into a huge capital.

It is possible to turn a small account into a reasonable balance that a professional trader needs. But if you risk a big money at the beginning and you lose it, chances are you never become able to recover the loss, both emotionally and technically. Forex trading can make your dreams come true. Don’t turn such an opportunity to a disaster through making the mistakes that can be easily avoided. Let forex trading be the best event in your life, not a nightmare that you don’t dare to remember.

Read the below articles carefully before you open a live account:

5. Disfrute!

If you start your forex trading journey properly, and follow the right track that was showed you above, you can achieve the living you have always been dreaming of. It is very easy if you take it serious and follow the right track carefully and precisely. It is literally impossible, if you follow your emotions and mindset, and try to invent new ways. If you are serious to become a professional and profitable trader as soon as possible, I showed you the closest way above. It is up to you if you follow that way, or waste your time trying to find better or closer ways.

"Whether you think you can, or you think you cannot, you are right." - Henry Ford

Otto September 23, 2014 at 2:45 pm

This is a very great summary about the steps we have to do. We just have to be patient and never give up. And finally we will be there. I am at the beginning of the demo trading phase. Not too profitable yet, at least not enough. I want to be satisfied with my result to go live. I take it very serious, perhaps too serious… ¡Muchas gracias!

Yes Otto. Tienes razón. You should take it too serious.

Cris September 27, 2014 at 1:43 am

Can you make and provide an e-book comprising all the link articles on this very particular article (Become a Profitable Forex Trader in 5 Easy Steps) it will be very easy to read and study (even without the internet connection) if it will be in e-book and save to any ipad or laptop. It’s very much appreciated if it will be given free or no charge but I’m willing to pay for a reasonable amount (us$5.00) and it will be very great if all or some of the proceed will go to non-profit organization helping the poorest of the poor or the needy, like world food program.

I thank you and appreciate your sharing of your knowledge and wisdom on forex trading. I’m trading for about 3 or more years but on and off due to office work and time, I have already blown 2 or 3 live account (total lost of more of less us$ 1K, it is small to some but still money can buy something for my self and family, still I believe forex trading as you said can bring me or us to our financial dream with proper knowledge, attitude and believes.

Again thank you

Gracias por tu comentario. The e-book you requested is added to our “to do list”. It will be offered for free definitely.

Thank you again, and happy trading.

singh September 28, 2014 at 10:50 am

You must be very successful investor. You must have already made millions in trading. Then why do you still write articles for us and give us free? I totally applaud your efforts and I never read same quality material anywhere, but wondering what is your motivation behind it?

Hi Singh. Writing is the only thing I am doing now. I am retired and don’t have anything to do. Trading doesn’t take me more than 15min per day. First I just wanted to kill some time through writing. Then I felt I like it. That is why I am still writing. I don’t have any other purpose. Of course, dealing with this site has made me learn something new about computer and the Internet every day. I was too dummy in these, but now I am learning a lot.

singh September 28, 2014 at 9:46 pm

Thank you Chris. You are doing amazing job. Dios te bendiga

Thank you too Singh.

Ted October 9, 2014 at 6:04 am

SINGH. Muy buena pregunta!

And Chris, your answer brought tears to my eyes!

l cannot believe that there are still people as generous as you Chris! You deserve every success that you have. Yes, most forex info is available and for free but to actually share with people what you use and how you actually do it is a completely different thing. I applaud and salute you Chris. And to think that you are not trying to scam anyone (because l cant seem to think of any catch here for you besides what you explained in your response) is just fantastic and amazing. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom! My interest in the market was renewed around September after reading newspaper forex “scam”. I started reading as much as l could (there’s just too much information out there) but you have made my journey half easy already as l know what to focus on. With the little knowledge that l have, l believe that your trading system works (My demo account agrees so far even though l’m still very new) and l will try my very best to master it. You have saved me and many others years of trial and error. How much does that cost really (come to think of it) l cannot thank you enough!

Sorry about the lengthy post.

May God continue to bless and prosper you Chris.

Thank you so much Ted. I am glad to hear that I am helping and you like what I do here.

singh October 19, 2014 at 8:38 pm

That is true Ted. Take an example of what I found following on one of most visited site on internet.

This is very stupid but as a novice I would have believed it if I weren`t reading fxkeys. Internet is full of wrong information. Like Chris said, many people who write article about trading are not even trader themselves. So their information is wrong and dangerous for novice who tend to believe them easily

I am so sorry Chris, I feel sad, I know that I already asked you this question, but this was after your answer here, now I can understand why you did not answered to me. It was already answered, my bad. I am reading more and more everyday and I learn in your articles but also with the answers and advice that you give to the members. Gracias Señor. You already know how I am grateful.

Vladimir October 16, 2014 at 10:08 am

De nada.

Regarding your question about time frame, that article was an old article written by someone else (because some others were used to write on FxKeys before I start writing). I deleted the article completely and so your comment that was attached to it got deleted too. By the way, hank you for informing me about that article. It was really a misleading article which was against what we are teaching on FxKeys now. Yes, we only follow the daily, weekly and monthly time frames.

Angus November 24, 2014 at 5:56 am

So just going back to my question about the the time/process to analyse and raise orders…. Please confirm if my understanding is correct for daily charts.

1. End of day is 5pm EST (New York), when previous day candle completes. 2. After 5pm, Sydney opens. So during this session that you spend 30 minutes analysing the daily charts, and enter pending orders. 3. You don’t care which session (NY, Australia/Asia, London) your order is filled? For as long as it is filled before 5pm the next day. 4. Do you care whether it is Friday, weekend, public holiday in the US? 5. What about news? as the other article talks about concentrating in Asian session because no news are likely released in this session.

1. Yes. 2. Yes. 3. Yes. 4. No, I don’t care. 5. I don’t care about the news too. Which article talks about focusing the Asian session? If it is the below one, then it emphasizes at the end of the article that following the short time frames is not a good idea: http://www. fxkeys. com/what-are-the-best-forex-market-hours-to-trade/

Rajiv December 20, 2014 at 2:59 am

I read your articles daily even though I don’t comment. I am following your system of trading and I find it is definitely most reliable one. I have learnt so many things reading your article that I would never have found anywhere.

You are a unique person who shares his knowledge and helps others learn without expecting anything in return. I think we are very fortunate to have you to learn forex trading from. Que Dios te bendiga.

Moku December 1, 2014 at 5:09 pm

Hi Chris thanks for the information. Can you please or anyone here tell me of any reliable forex brokers in New Zealand or for those who want to trade from NZ. Hoping to get into it. just don’t wanna fall into some sort of scam like some people I’ve heard. cheers for the articles.

De nada.

Unfortunately we cannot recommend any broker for some important reasons. Hope you will excuse us.

Juan December 3, 2014 at 12:04 pm

Thank you for all the information you are sharing with us. Since I read casually your first article surfing on the web I am getting better results in my live account.

I opened one year ago a live account with $2,000 and during this last year I lost almost the totally of my money, leaving only $40. Since I am following you in this last month I have been able to grow up this amount to close to $200.

My question is if I have to close this account and follow your lessons opening a Demo account for the next three months or I can keep working with my current live account.

I feel more comfortable with a live account because I deal with my emotions, (something that I have learned during this last year).

I have been working following Price Action and Fxkeys signals but I lost my money because I was starving of getting my money back.

Now, following your daily articles I feel more comfortable and I am not expending all the day in front of my computer. Muchas gracias de nuevo. You are one of the best person I have ever met! Keep sharing with us your knowledge, someone from Spain is waiting your comments every day.

Do I have to open a Demo Account or do I have to keep my live account open. My goal, by now, is to recover my money with patient and then follow with my system.

Lo siento por mi inglés. It is not my native language.

I am afraid your strong desire to recover your losses can make you follow your emotions. You are taking a bigger risk when you trade like this. You will always have time to recover your losses when you become confident enough in your trading. So, if you ask me whether you should open a demo or keep on trading with your live account, I suggest you to open a demo to build your confidence, then you can trade with your live account. Your question tells me that you are not confident enough yet.

Josef January 1, 2015 at 2:25 pm

Happy and successful 2015 year. I wish you long life and healthy. Josef Thank you Chris for all.

agyusant January 2, 2015 at 2:59 am

Happy new year 2015, Chris.

I’ve been following fxkeys for about 7 months. Ahora. i feel confident enough to trade better than the years before. Great success for you and may good always bless you chris.

Moku January 5, 2015 at 10:26 pm

Happy New Years Chris, I must thank you as you have contributed a lot into helping me as I learn to become a full time trader. A little bit off subject, but I just have one question I couldn’t find any answers to if you could kindly confirm if this is true… Let’s say if the number of candlesticks on a 5 minute charts is 12 per hour and lets say in a certain hour 7 of the already shown candlesticks are bullish with the remaining 5 to come. Does that (7/12) automatically confirm that the next candlestick on the hour chart will be bullish? Does it work that way? Thanks Chris

That doesn’t make sense on forex market, because trend are too strong on this market and still so many other bullish candlesticks can form.

laeffect February 1, 2015 at 1:25 am

Today is my 6th day regarding learning forex. I just finish my meditation and seeking for a true mentor who can help me wholeheartedly how to learn Forex. I guess, I found the right one, Chris. Your prudence and self-business awareness are quite amazing I read 3 posts but I can figure it out. You have not only discussed about forex but also trading from a psychological point of view. I am quite sure you have achieved most of your financial goals except the biggest one creating a legacy.

I am so lucky I found your blog so early of my learning and once again wholeheartedly thanks to you and your team for such an amazing altruist effort. I will be writing regularly…..

laeffect Stockholm, Sweden

nonsmoker February 15, 2015 at 12:34 am

awesome site look forward to learning thanks Chris kamel and rest

Raimo March 30, 2015 at 5:41 am

Hello fxkeys team, thanks a lot for this massive content of relevant information about forex trading. I hope you don’t mind to be a bit critical. For me as a beginner the page is overwhelming. What do I mean, I tried to start with step one “Learn the Basics” but through all the sublinks with its content and also sublinks, I can not keep track where to go next. As I said it is a criticism but please it is only well meant! I appreciate your work and if you may have time to consider it, it would make me happy. I’ll remain modest and keep my mouth shut for now. Thanks Raimo

Welcome to FxKeys.

Sorry to hear that this page looks confusing to you. One way I can figure out is that you leave this page open and then right click on each of the articles titles from the beginning and open them on a new tab. You can highlight the titles, so that you know which one you have opened and read. Just please start from the beginning of this page.

Please let me know if I have not been able to answer your question. Will be glad to help.

I don’t know if maybe you’re making the same mistake as i did. There are certain words and phrases in each article, that are automatically turned into links. Take this article for example, in the first paragraph, those phrases are: “complicated”, “make money” and “job”. They are meant to be optional, so you can safely skip them if you’re just starting. I did not understand this at first and read a lot of them and like you, became overwhelmed because this site contains hundreds of articles.

If you only read the numbered links in this article, that’s still a lot. And indeed there are some more numbered links in the linked articles. But if you look closely, most of them (the links inside the links) are also in one of the lists of this main article.

For example, the second link in the “learn the basics” section of this article is called “What Is Forex and How to Make Money with It?”. In that linked article, the first three numbered links you don’t have to click, because they are also in this main article here. The same goes for a lot of other links. You can click them of course, but it’s less confusing if you just stick with the order in this main article.

muzna khan April 2, 2015 at 5:35 am

i like your articles…do u manage accounts as well..plz tell..thanks

I am almost ready to open a small live account. This time around, I’ve been preparing my self emotionally and have dedicated myself to learning your system inside and out. )

I realize that I need to stop pressing the button every time I find a so so trade setup. I need to trade like a predator and not be the prey…I need to be patient, control my emotions and wait for the too strong setups! Profits will come if I do these things….

Thank You and God bless you for the work your doing here.

The challenge for me is to not jump around and stay on task as I take each lesson step by step. I’m already familiar with forex and therein lies the danger. I’ve noticed a tendency in me to want to jump around the links, and then I end up with 5 windows open and have gone nowhere! jajaja

Here I will learn the foundations of what it takes to learn this business correctly and once again, I thank you for the path you’ve laid out.

Thank you for your kind words, and welcome to FxKeys.

This is really great that you have a background about Forex and trading. You are several steps ahead of others. I suggest you to learn the strong and profitable candlestick patterns that I follow, and you are done. You don’t need anything else. I published an article about these patterns yesterday: http://www. fxkeys. com/candlestick-patterns-and-signals-that-make-money/

So, there is only a few or few articles that you have to read to start trading. After that, please master these candlestick patterns through demo trading and make sure to repeat your success for six consecutive months at least. Then you can start with a too small live account: http://www. fxkeys. com/grow-your-small-forex-account-slowly-but-surely/

I am always here to answer your questions.

I have always the same problem but Now I am trying to focus. Sometimes when I dont understand things I get so frustated but I dont let it be a permanent depression rather I study more. Veamos

Thanks Chris. I traded for a long time. But Now i understand what is forex? So many great article here are enough for forex trader to be professional. Gracias de nuevo.

Hi Chris, Thanks for all that you have done. I came across your site two weeks back and haven’t look at another FX site as much as here now.

I have been day-trading options and index futures for many many years but without much success. Spent a lot of money on trading products (most don’t work) and lost a lot of money too.

Trading is a tough business. Thanks for showing us the right way. Abundance is indeed available to all who are ready to work and receive it. I will contribute as much as I can back to this wonderful community as I learn the 5 Steps all over again.

Just a quick question : How do I determine what time (in EST) does a daily close as different broker uses different server time? I am currently on the FXCM server :FXCM-USDDemo01-Forex Capital Markets, LLC

Many thanks and may you continue to be abundantly blessed in all areas of your life.

As a first time visitor to your site, I find it very simple and informative. I will use as a source of information to develop my trading skill in the future. BRO JOBBAT! Chris with your team.

Till now I have read most of the articles about our regular trading system.

Tonight I’m going to start the 3-4 months of demo trading to see if I can adapt myself to what I’ve learnt.

I’m not in a hurry to become wealthy. I’m in a hurry to leave the job I never wanted to become mentally eased. I hope I could be able to make my account grow slowly and steadily.

Gracias por todo

Hi, Chris. I don’t get something about my platform. When I take a new position, two lines appear on my chart, indicating my sl and tp positions, but these data don’t match my calculations. I took a position at 1.24164, and I’ve put my stop at 1.24635, which is which means 54 pips, but the chart line tells me my stop loss is 400 pips. Or maybe it isn’t about my positions values? Gracias.

hi dear chris i’m so happy be familiar your site. my trading life is 5 month and i m novic trader . after 2 month search in net pickup your site and reading articles and follwing strategy DBB+ with few modifing and after 2 month work with DBB in two acconut 50 usd in demo now result: 1 + balance 50 usd = and now is 94 usd just 2 or 3 position 0.01 lot !

2º. balance 50 = and now is 128 usd just 5 postion with 0.01 lot. i want to retry it for 3 other month and become masster it. Thank Dear Chris if can one day see you i hug you and kiss and kiss you

Congratulations for your success and thank you for your comment.

I can see there are many videos about Technical Analysis here. But I also see the article about Strong Trade setup, and not taking too much analysis in the chart to get confused posted by Kamel. I want to ask that what I should follow Chris, do I have to come over all those videos about Chart analysis here. Thanks, Chris. I’m a newbie in this forum and also Forex so I really need help to choose the right track that I can be sure I’ll success with enough effort. My email is …, if you can please send me your Skype ID so that I can talk to you. I always want to have a friend who is a professional trader. Gracias

Yes, following those videos helps a lot.

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Inicio & # 8250; Trading Systems › Become A Profitable Forex Trader In 5 Easy Steps

Published Articles by Date

MT5 is here; after the success of Metatrader 4 being the most popular financial trading platform in the Forex industry, Metatrader 5 is now currently in public testing.

After the success of Metatrader 4 being the most popular financial trading platform in the Forex industry, Metatrader 5 is now currently in public testing.

For those who are users of Metatrader 4 and do not know the qualities of Metatrader 5, we have provided a list of the benefits and the detriments of the new trading platform.

Advantages of Metatrader 5

Both experienced and beginner traders will enjoy Metatrader 5 as it is highly flexible and reliable and they will both value the efficiency and clearness it holds.

MT5 is now enhanced with more security and encryption safety.

The Expert Advisors code that is passed to the remote agent is passed in a modified form making it impossible to dump.

A remote agent does not know Expert Advisors name and the results of calculated data are not saved on the hard drive.

Traders can watch the market depth with Market Liquidity Pool. Low trading instruments that lack liquidity are avoided with this aspect.

MT5 has 8 built in technical indicators, 39 graphic objects and several MQL5- indicators covering most of the popular indicators.

All traders’ execution needs are met with the four different execution types. They are Market, Instant, Request and Exchange execution.

Disadvantages of Metatrader 5

The many Expert Advisors and custom indicators that are written in MQL 4 for Metatrader 4 must now be coded again with MQL5 to be used with Metatrader 5.

Hedging is disabled which is quite bad because hedging is a great form of risk management.

There are many bugs with MT5 as it has now been coded from scratch. Hopefully the bugs can be debugged during the beta testing.

Trade Oil, Gold and Stock Indices with Friedberg Direct

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Friedberg Direct's straight through processing engine adapted for Canadian traders

All accounts are held by Friedberg Direct, a division of Friedberg Mercantile Group Ltd. a member of IIROC and CIPF

FXCM licenses its technology and brand to Friedberg Direct, and is not an investment dealer.

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High Risk Investment Warning: Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida en exceso de su depósito y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. Por favor lea nuestra advertencia de riesgo completa.

Tenga en cuenta que la información de este sitio web está destinada principalmente a los clientes minoristas.

Friedberg Direct es una división de Friedberg Mercantile Group Ltd., miembro de la Organización de Regulación de la Industria de Inversiones de Canadá (OCRCM), el Fondo Canadiense de Protección a los Inversores (CIPF) y todos los Intercambios Canadienses. Friedberg Mercantile Group Ltd. tiene su sede en 181 Bay St. Suite 250, Toronto, ON M5J 2T3, Canadá.

Accounts are opened with and are held by Friedberg Direct which clears trades through a subsidiary of FXCM Inc, a publicly traded company listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE:FXCM). Customers of Friedberg Direct may, in part, be serviced through subsidiaries of FXCM Inc. FXCM Inc does not own or control any part of Friedberg Direct and is headquartered at 55 Water St. 50th Floor, New York, NY 10041 USA.

* The trading desk opens on Sundays between 5:00 PM ET and 5:15 PM ET. La mesa de operaciones cierra los viernes a las 4:55 PM ET. Tenga en cuenta que los pedidos anteriores se pueden llenar hasta las 5:00 p. m. ET y que los comerciantes que realizan operaciones entre las 4:55 p. m. y las 5:00 p. m. pueden no poder cancelar las órdenes pendientes de ejecución.

&daga; FXCM Trading Station allows for order sizes up to 50 million per trade. Los comerciantes tienen la capacidad de negociar tamaños incrementales (órdenes múltiples de 50 millones para el mismo par).

§ Friedberg Direct’s liquidity providers include global banks, financial institutions, prime brokers and other market makers.

Copyright y copia; 2013 Forex Capital Markets. Todos los derechos reservados.

Friedberg Directo, 181 Bay Street, Suite 250 Toronto, Ontario M5J2T3.

5 Types of Forex Brokers You Need to Know About

A large part of Forex trading success has to do with the broker aspect. Now we will not talk about the regulatory aspect of broker business; we will probably do that in subsequent articles. But we will try to talk a little bit about broker pricing issues, which inevitably will lead to a discussion about brokers and how they can be classified according to the kind of price quote structure they deliver to traders.

Forex brokers can be classified based on the pricing structure and market access they provide to their clients as follows:

What that all mean?…Read on!

Electronic Communication Network (ECN) Brokers

ECN brokers can be called: “give it as it is” brokers. The price quotes seen by their traders are the same as those processed by the banks on the interbank foreign exchange market. There is no dealing desk interference with the price quote structure and that is why ECN pricing represents the most transparent system of delivery of price quotes to Forex brokers. This service comes at a cost, as most ECN brokers will either charge commissions on trades (in addition to spreads), or require that the trader maintains a large account balance, or both.

Straight-Through Processing (STP) Brokers

This term is now used to also include non-dealing desk brokers (NDD). STP brokers pass on their clients’ orders straight to the liquidity providers on the interbank Forex market as soon as they receive those orders. Traders who trade financial news releases are less prone to receiving re-quotes when they use the services of an STP broker. Delays in getting orders processed are also eliminated. STP brokers make their money from the mark-up of the spreads they are given by their liquidity providers; they do not make their profits from other traders’ losses as is the case with market makers.

No-Dealing Desk (NDD) Brokers

This term can be used to encompass STP, ECN or STP + ECN brokers. With NDD brokers, there is no dealing desk and orders are passed on straight to the liquidity providers for execution. NDD brokers make their money either by increasing the spreads when there is increased volatility, or by charging commissions.

Dealing Desk (DD) Brokers:

These brokers are also known as market makers. Most Forex brokerage businesses in operation today are market makers. Market makers usually offer fixed, low spreads, which is a selling point of their business. However, they usually do not offer direct quotes from the liquidity provider to their traders. They “make the market”, or put another way, they offer price quotes which are slightly different from what comes in from the liquidity providers. More often than not, they take contrary positions to the trades placed by every single trader. Using market makers can undo a trader, as anytime the trader makes profit; it is bad business for the DD brokers. There have been complaints of traders being “stopped out” deliberately by DD brokers, even when on other trading platforms, the prices never got to the stop loss points set by traders. This phenomenon led the US regulatory agencies to sanction a well-known DD broker operating in the US. There is also the issue of slippage and re-quotes, which are very common with DD brokers.

Direct Market Access (DMA) Brokers

DMA brokers offer trades direct access to liquidity providers to place orders. By definition, all ECN brokers are direct market access brokers. Traders get five digit pricing, strictly variable spreads and market executions, with an option of having depth of the market (DOM) book access.

From what has been listed above, it is pretty obvious that traders get the best deal if they do business with ECN, NDD or STP brokers. Examples are Dukascopy (€1,000), FxPro XTrader account ($1,000), FXCM Active Trader account ($50,000) and ForexYard Insitutional Account ($50,000).

P. S.: What’s your favorite type of broker? Let me know in the comment section.

P. P.S.: Like the post, please spread the word and share it with others. ¡Gracias!

Hi Alex, there are still some things i do not understand:

ENC brokers are mostly described as the brokers that pass orders straight to the interbank market. in your post it’s the STP ones. In any case, if they really pass every SINGLE order, how can they guarantee a price and execution? As far as I understand it happens in accumulated trances after sell and buy order have been offset already. In this case the broker would take a risk but also the chance to get better prices. He also still would be a market maker.

What I also don’t understand is what happens at the dealing desk.

There are brokers that are market makers but claim to be a NDD broker.

Hello Herb, ECN / STP broker place the trades from clients without intervention. For every trade they charge a small commission. Usually 3-7.5$ p. 100K traded. As their profit is the commission there is no conflict of interest between the broker and the trader. Dealing Desk brokers (DD) do not charge commission but instead use a markup to the spread and usually trade against the client. Resulting in trading restrictions and all sort of manipulations. As they trade against the client they have no interest that the client makes money in the long run because the clients profit is their loss. And yes, some brokers claim that they are NDD, ECN, STP brokers but they are not. That’s why it is very important to know how to choose a brokerage company. Regards, Alexander

This seems like insanity your basically betting money against the house and showing them your cards before they decide whether or not to call.

Lets say you actually hit it big the chances of ever seeing that money beyond a pixel on your comp screen are nill.

Why is this industry so unregulated?

Hola Alex. I’ve heard my own share of losses and scams online in general, and really looking for something that works. In desperation I signed up with xforex. com but didn’t succeed, going live after a very short lived demo trading.

I guess I went blindly into it. It wasn’t until today that I decided to read reviews about them and so on, and they don’t look good. Then I came across your website, gladly, hopefully it will help me.

What is your opinion on them, have you any experience at all with xforex and would you recommend them?

Also, would you advise a newbie like me to go for Armada Markets? Please help me out, i’m tired of putting in and getting nothing out.

PS: Thanks for the wonderful article.

Hello, thanks for kind words. It would be great if you share this article between your friends. I have had no experience with xforex. Armada Markets exchange account is good one due to low spreads on EUR/USD (below 0.5 pip) and other major pairs.

Hello Alex, I’m a newbie like the other else in FOrex. Like every body, we are very afraid if the broker which we joined in is a SCAM… so it will be very helpful if you really release Forex brokers guide so that it will be very helpful for newbie like me to choose one.

By the way I just joined Paxforex a couple weeks ago… Do you have any information about this Paxforex wether it is a good or scam broker?

Gracias por tus amables palabras. Have never heard of Paxforex. I have one forex broker guide that can be shared with readers in the nearest future.

PD I advice you to try Armada Markets broker.

Hi Alex, Thank you for your very good job. Am a novice to Forex and i would like to try it. Please, i need your help on how to trade, do i need to give my money to money manager to trade for me cause i don’t know how to trade. Your kind advice is highly appreciated. Gracias.

5 min Forex Trade Trading System - Forex Strategies - Forex Resources - Forex Trading-free forex trading signals and FX Forecast

54# 5 min Forex Trade Trading System

Submit by Joy 22 (author Imran Sait)

Works on All Time Frames and for all Pairs - Best used on 5Min/15min/ for short term Trades and

30min/1Hr/4hr/daily for Long term Trades ).

Forex Indicators used :

1. LaGuerre 1 ( for entry ) - Gamma 0.60, levels 0.15, 0.85,0.45 bars to read 9500 color Blue ( File name is Laguerre-ACS1.ex4 )

2. LaGuerre 2 ( for exits ) - Gamma 0.80, levels 0.15, 0.85, 0.45 bars to read 9500, color Red ( File name is Laguerre-ACS1.ex4 )

For the Lags Enable Fixed maximum (

1,05) y mínimo fijo (

-0.05) en la ficha Común del indicador de Laguerre

3. Bollinger bands - 20, 0 and close ( default) ( This is very imp indicator as in uptrend the middle Bollinger acts as support and

in downtrend it acts as resistance )

4. EMA 200 (rojo) y EMA 60 (azul) para encontrar apoyo y resistencia

5. Pivot Points. Para encontrar los niveles de beneficio diario y como indicación de las áreas de soporte / resistencia esperadas para el día.

6. MACD - Tradicional - Ajuste de 12,20,9 - Confirmación de crossover con Lags para entrada y salida.

7. StochHistogram - an indicator which shows the overbought/oversold status of the market. Utilice los ajustes predeterminados de 14,3,3.

Compra cuando el precio cruce a positivo. Vender cuando el precio cruza a negativo. Green histogram means it's in an uptrend. rojo

histogram means it's in a downtrend.

Entrada larga (en el gráfico de 5 minutos)

I) Primera configuración (mejor configuración - Tal vez capaz de atrapar movimientos de +50 a 150 pips)

Por mucho. What you need to do is first look if price is above the Daily Pivot, and then look if the the LaGuerre 1 (

henceforth called as Lag1 ) is above 0.15 and going upwards. StochHistogram ( Henceforth called as Stoch) is gone from

negative to positive. MACD has made a crossover to positive ( Crossover above Zero Line ) and LaGuerre 2 ( Henceforth

called as Lag2 ) is at the bottom ( for Extended Period of time ) or trending upwards above 0.15.

Salidas por Largo (Opciones Múltiples - Elija cualquier opción según su Nivel de Beneficio de Toma)

1. Cuando Lag-2 cruzó 1,00 y luego comienza a bajar por debajo de 0,85

2. Cuando obtiene +50 pips

4. Daily R2 - (Segunda Resistencia por encima del Pivote Diario)

5. El cruce de MACD del positivo al negativo y el retraso del rojo está rechazando

6. When Stoch Histogram goes from Positive to Negative, and Red Lag is pointing Down ( both conditions have to be

reunió. if not take 50% profit and let the trade run )

7. When the Stop Loss is hit ( 20 pips + Spread ) – This is likely to happen only if you have not taken the trade as per

rules or taken a trade 30 mins before or within 30 mins of news

If anyone has more suggestions, kindly email me so I can look into it and add to the exits.

For Short . What you need to do is first look if the the LaGuerre 1

( henceforth called as Lag1 ) is below 0.85 and going downwards. StochHistogram ( Henceforth called as Stoch) is gone

from positive to negative. MACD has crossover to Negative from Positive ( Below Zero Lines ) and LaGuerre 2 (

Henceforth called as Lag2 ) is at the top ( for extended period of time ) or trending downwards below 0.85

Salidas a corto plazo (varias opciones: elija la opción que desee según su nivel de beneficio de toma)

8. Cuando Lag-2 cruzó 0,00 y luego comenzó a llegar hasta 0,15

9. Cuando obtenga +50 pips

10. Daily S1 - (Primer soporte debajo del pivote diario)

11. Daily S2 - (Segundo soporte debajo del pivote diario)

12. El MACD ha cruzado a positivo y el retraso rojo está apareciendo

13. When Stoch Histogram goes from negative to positive, and Red Lag is pointing up ( both conditions have to be

reunió. if not take 50% profit and let the trade run )

14. When the Stop Loss is hit ( 25 Pips including Spread ) – This is likely to happen only if you have not taken the trade

as per rules or taken a trade 30 mins before or within 30 mins of news

Stop Loss para todas las entradas para Long y Short es 20 pips más spread de la mejor configuración según las reglas.

(To See Manual in attach)

Descripción del producto

Precise trading only according to a trend. You can be sure - from now on the Trend is your friend FOREVER! You could use ANY currency pair. Trade on 1-5-10-30 currency pairs. Only you can decide how many pairs to use. You receive ALL types of signals: Sounds, Graphic signals, Alerts, E-mails. With notifications like these you’d be hard-pressed to miss anything… Smooth deposit growth. Trade, utilizing a few currency pairs simultaneously and earn more. Trade on multiple pairs and earn exponentially much more. From now on, trading won’t require so much of your time, effort and attention. All difficult tasks Forex 5 Stars will now do for you.

FOREX 5 Stars = Middle-term and Long-term Trading. You get to chose your own trading style, by simply switching timeframes. Trading on H1 timeframe, you receive 1 (one) signal to open an order approximately once every 2-3 days (middle-term trading). Trading on H4 and even D1 timeframes, you become a true Long-term trader. In this case you trade only on the most powerful trends, lasting somewhere between 1 to 3 months. The frequency of the accompanying signals (stop-loss modification signals) also depends on your timeframe. Using H1 timeframe, you will be receiving accompanying signals somewhere around once per hour. Using H4, it’s once for every 4 (four) hours and using D1 – once a day.

What you will get:


Special Gift: Book for SUCCESSFUL TRADING

Forex 5 Stars informer + User's guide

MUST-READ trader's eBook: “Your Personality and Successful Trading” for FREE

5 Most Predictable Currency Pairs – Q1 2012

Not all forex pairs were born equal. Some will slow down and then bounce back when they approach a distinct line of resistance or support. If momentum is strong, they will break these lines in a convincing manner without looking back. These pairs, that have a better tendency to follow technical rules, are the more predictable ones. Not all currency pairs are the same.

The nature of currency pairs tends to shift over time. Some move up the list, while others lose their charm and move down and sometimes out of the list. This is due to many factors, that change. Here is a ranked list of the top 5, with characteristics of every one of them for Q1 2012. Let’s start.

NZD/USD . The kiwi has always been a relatively predictable pair, and now it earned the first place due to distinctly separate trading ranges. When the pair makes a move to a different range, support turns to resistance and vice versa. In addition, old lines are still respected after long periods of time. With action in commodities probably shifting towards oil in Q1, the level of surprise will likely be smaller and moves could remain in a high level of predictability.

EUR/USD . The world’s most popular returned to the list, big time. The excessive amount of noise related to the debt crisis turned into “white noise” and technical levels are working in a far better manner. Resistance lines work well, and support lines work in an even better manner: they are first marked and a break below them has proved powerful. With the most extreme scenarios for the euro-zone already discussed in the open, any breaking news event can trigger clearer breakouts than the ones seen earlier.

AUD/USD . Volatility in this pair significantly rose, yet the pair still boasted an excellent behavior in both horizontal support and resistance lines as well as channels which stood out in Q4 2011. As the main channels are narrowing, the behavior in Q1 2012 will likely be of lower grade, hence the loss of the first place. Still, this pair remains one of the most predictable ones.

CAD/JPY . While USD/CAD and especially USD/JPY are choppy and problematic pairs, this cross isn’t that bad, with slowdowns towards horizontal resistance lines and clear uptrend support.

GBP/USD . The pound usually follows the euro, just with higher volatility, requiring wider stops. It certainly maintains high volatility and trades in relatively distinct ranges, yet it lost some of its charm and its fate in Q1 2012 is unclear: will it follow the euro or distance itself even more.

A major pair missing from the list is USD/CHF. It is still looking for a direction: after the massive SNB intervention it lost its safe haven status, but might regain this status once again.

This intervention isn’t over yet. The SNB might raise the floor under EUR/CHF. Even if it doesn’t happen, the speculation around it makes trading EUR/CHF and USD/CHF quite challenging. Charts are choppy.

USD/JPY will likely resume some movements soon, but it remains a very frustrating pair.

¿Qué piensas? Which pairs do you find to be the more predictable ones?

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

I have been into forex trading for over 5 years, and I share the experience that I have and the knowledge that I’ve accumulated. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Like many forex traders, I’ve earned the significant share of my knowledge the hard way. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Before founding Forex Crunch, I’ve worked as a programmer in various hi-tech companies. I have a B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

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Forex 5 Stars – System Indicator Review

We haveВ Forex 5 Stars to look at, this is a new Forex signals provider being brought to us by an unknown developer. The price for this system is $4.99 and it is being sold on the Clickbank payment processor.

Tagline:В Do you know what you need to make really big money on Forex? You need to correctly identify a trend then open and close orders in a timely fashion.

Type:В Forex indicator.

So far it looks likeВ Forex 5 Stars is another system by Rita Lasker, it is a new indicator that will work on multiple pairs. If you are interested in this I suggest that you do a lot of research and talk to some of the Forex Robot Nation users.

Results: The only results provided for theВ Forex 5 Stars В are screen shots, there are a couple different types of screen shots but most look like the one below. Following is an example of what you are likely to see as proof if you are interested in purchasing this system. The problem with this type of Forex results is that it В really cannot show a true image of the strategy itself and thus not depicting how the Forex product will actually perform. В This is not an insinuation aboutВ Forex 5 StarsВ on behalf of Forex Robot Nation but an astute observation of the market for Forex products itself. В

Here at Forex Robot Nation you will be able to find the best reviews onВ Forex 5 StarsВ from real Forex traders. Tenemos una comunidad fuerte que está totalmente involucrada en el proceso de nuestras revisiones de Forex, que incluyen una dedicación a las pruebas y la discusión. Nuestros usuarios y comerciantes expertos podrán ayudarle a ganar un montón de dinero mediante la utilización de sistemas de Forex y estrategias.

If you have any information aboutВ Forex 5 StarsВ that you would like to contribute to the conversation then you can leave your thoughts below. Generally the products that get the most posts are obviously the most popular but keep in mind there are many products that don’t have the hype but certainly have the profit.

Por favor, no dude en contactar con nosotros en cualquier momento con respecto a nuevas Forex Robots, asesores expertos y cualquier software de comercio que sienta que debemos reconocer, revisar y probar.

It is time for you to have your say onВ Forex 5 Stars В so leave a comment below and tell the Forex Robot Nation community what you think! If you like it or you hate it we want to know everything aboutВ Forex 5 Stars.

The 5 Step Plan For Forex Trading Success

A strategy alone won’t make you a better trader. Follow this 5 step plan, which focuses on effectively implementing your strategies, to create forex trading success. A strategy only shows you how you could make money; being able to implement it yourself is much more difficult.

Just knowing something doesn’t serve us very well in trading, and yet this is what most books, articles and forex sites teach…they give you more and more information…without showing you how to implement it (I too am guilty of this, but am sharing this information now to rectify the situation). Likely you’ve found some forex strategies online, or in a book/video/course, and while looking very promising, when you went to implement the strategies they didn’t quite work out. When you got a trade signal, or into a trade based on the strategy:

It was hard to tell if it was a valid trade or not.

You questioned whether you could get a bit better entry price (or stop loss price or target price).

You didn’t know what would happen next, and found it difficult to stick to the strategy.

You missed some signals because you didn’t see them or didn’t want to trade them.

The signals you did trade you may have entered too early or too late.

You didn’t take all the trades the strategy dictated, and many of the ones you didn’t take were winners and the ones you did take were losers.

Any of those sound familiar? Likely they do. This is one of the most frustrating things. You can see a strategy works, yet when you go to implement it, success alludes you. The problem isn’t necessarily the strategy (although it could be, but bad strategies can be avoided by doing a bit of testing and research), and the solution is definitely NOT more information or more strategies. Yet the impulse is to think you need more information, and that more knowledge or a new strategy will rectify the problem. It won’t.

Forex Trading Success – The Problem and Solution

The problem for most traders, and the gap which exists between amateur and professionals, is implementation .

When you learn something you need to practice it. In trading this step often gets skipped. In the quest to make money novice traders typically scour the internet for strategies, then jump into their live trading account and try to trade the strategy. But just as you shouldn’t expect to hit a golf ball well just by reading a book on the golf swing, you shouldn’t expect to flawlessly implement a strategy after reading a trading article. It seems simple; it isn’t.

We need to train our eyes and minds to spot a trade signal, and prepare for it, before it occurs (and during the trade). That takes practice. Entering at the exact right moment takes practice, as there’s always a tendency to enter a little early or a little late in an attempt to gain more “price information/confirmation” or try to get a little better price (waiting for more confirmation isn’t a good idea: see Video on Trading, Risk, Probabilities and Trade Management ).

Deviation from the strategy can’t be tolerated; developing the discipline to deviate takes practice. Once in a trade you need to be prepared for the constant price gyrations which will fluctuate your profit/loss, making you second-guess your trade. It takes practice to learn your tendencies and handle them. Every aspect of a trade requires practice. It’s not as easy as it looks…making something look easy takes A LOT of practice.

Forex Trading Success Starting With a 5 Step Plan

Learning a strategy, and how to implement it, requires the following 5 step process. This process is laid out in detail in the Forex Strategies Guide for Day and Swing Traders 2.0. Not only does the book teach you strategies, but it shows you how to implement them, practice them and create a plan for them. The 5 step plan is simple, yet will radically change how you trade…for the better. Here are the five basic steps.

1. Thoroughly study whatever strategy/book/course you are working through. No live trades, or even demo trades; just study. Use your charts to find lots of examples of the strategy discussed, but don’t trade…just observe. The basic premise here is that humans are impulsive. The tendency is to jump right to a strategy chapter, read it and then try to make some money with it. Traders can’t be impulsive. This first step is about overcoming that tendency. Learn first…there is plenty of time to trade later.

2. Still no trades. Your mind is now filled information…maybe too much. You need to condense it. Pick one or two strategies from the book/course that you like and that suit your lifestyle (allow you to trade in the evening, or the morning, or for 10 minutes a day, etc). Create a trading plan for exactly how you’ll trade these strategies, based on the guidelines provided (how to create a trading plan, and one of my own personal trading plans, is included in the book).

A trading plan takes a strategy to the next level; it defines your position size based on your account size, how much you can risk, if you can take correlated positions, when you can take trades, if you will avoid some trades and other limitations which aren’t necessarily defined by a strategy. A strategy usually just looks at entries, stop loss levels and targets.

3. You now have a trading plan based on one or two strategies. Open a demo account and practice implementing the trading plan. Until you can implement the trading plan efficiently–without taking extra trades or skipping trades, and each trade you take adheres to the rules of your trading plan–you will continue to trade the demo account. Trade the demo account for a minimum of two months. This is practice time. Don’t trade live (real money), because live trading has added pressure. You need to practice and know a strategy inside-out-and-backwards before trading it with live capital. You don’t jump on the golf course immediately after reading a book on the golf swing. Instead, you spend a couple months on the driving range practicing, where you can’t hurt yourself or others (I’m a golfer, I like golf analogies).

If profitable after two months, and you’re implementing your plan exactly, open a live account and proceed to live trading (step 5) with the plan. If demo trading is unprofitable, assess whether it’s the plan at fault or if you aren’t following the plan. If the plan is at fault, make the necessary adjustments based on your two months of demo trading (step 4). If it’s your fault (you aren’t following the plan), it’s your discipline that needs work. Building discipline is developed by practicing discipline…there’s no shortcut (see: Self-Control: The Biological Factors ).

4. Adjust your plan. If you’re following it, but it’s unprofitable, consider revisions you can make based on your two months of demo trading (and guidance provided throughout the book). Once the new plan is created, trade it for two months. If you follow the plan and it’s profitable after two months, open a live account (step 5). If you follow the plan and are unprofitable, repeat step 4.

5. If you follow the plan and are profitable for more than two months in a demo account, open a live account (according to the guidelines for a picking a broker discussed in the book). Note: if you’re profitable, but didn’t follow the plan, you must remain in demo trading mode until you’re profitable and are able to follow a plan. Without following the plan you have no idea if your results are repeatable. Demo trading and live trading are different. You’ll feel different trading a live account–most people feel a bit more nervous or apprehensive, and those emotions affect how trade. This article gives some tips on handling the switch to real money trading: Transitioning From Demo to Live Trading .

I get a lot of emails from people saying something like “ I have been trading for X years and have lost over X dollars. I think I know what I am doing wrong now…but can you help me with it.” A LOT of those emails! Some of them are from people who have been trading for more than 15 years. Putting in time won’t make you a better trader, you need to practice! The driving range is filled with golfers putting in time, but never getting better. To get better you need to work on very specific things, one thing at a time–perfecting your entry, perfecting your stop loss, perfecting your targets and perfecting the control of your emotions and impulses. All this takes time. But if you dedicate yourself to practice you can do it in several months. If you don’t follow this process, you’ll likely never improve, and in 10 years you’ll be sending the email above. Put in a few months now and follow the process; if you don’t, it could take years before you realize this is all you had to do to solve your problems and stop losing money.

Final World on Forex Trading Success

This process could take several months or more. It’s a reliable process for becoming a successful trader though. Not following this plan could mean years and thousands of dollars wasted . not to mention loads of ingrained bad habits with nothing to show for it. Practice is good, but only structured and methodical practice results in reliable improved performance. The strategies I discuss in the book work for me…but you need to practice them in the right way so they work you.

This 5-step method isn’t just applicable to forex. Use it in any market you trade to drastically improve your odds of success.

Trading is tough; if it was as easy as reading a book, and there are hundreds of books by great traders, then there would be a lot more successful traders. So something is obviously missing; successful trading isn’t just about knowledge, it’s about effectively being able to implement knowledge under adverse psychological conditions. The rest of the book gives you the knowledge, while the process above [covered in more detail in the book] shows you how to implement that knowledge. That last part is the missing key in most books. You now have it.

Cory Mitchell, CMT

También te puede interesar:

Risk Spikes – Risk Management Mistakes that Ruin Traders – Risk spikes are risk management mistakes that ruin traders quicker than any other mistake. Here’s what it is, why it WILL happen, and how to deal with it.

Trading Psychology – The Problem of “Trading Not to Lose” – Trading not to lose is an issue almost every trader will face at some point in their day trading career, and it causes major problems. Here’s what it is, why it’s problematic and how to get yourself into an opportunity seeking mindset.

Trading Psychology – Dealing with Loss Aversion – Loss aversion is the when losses are held longer than they should because we hope the price will come back in our favor. It can cause big problems. Here’s more on what loss aversion is, what causes it and how to manage and conquer it.

Overcoming Trading Anxiety By Understanding the Causes and Process of Anxiety – There are only 2 causes of anxiety. And one can be used to control the other. Then, there are three ways to deal with anxiety–2 of which are destructive, and one which is the way out.


I think that there is no mater if price goes 20 pips in any direction in 3, 5 or 25 minutes. Only thing that is important is that PA GOES 20 pips in whatever direction and I want to catch it!

RENKO system shows you THE MOVE on the market – who cares in what time!

In this thread I will try to explain, to everyone who wants to know, all what I know!


*** HOW TO INSTALL! *** or you can download the installation manual here

1. Extract “Paket 5!”

2. Install Stratman font in your Windows+Fonts folder

3. Copy RenkoLiveChart_v3.3.ex4 from Experts folder to your experts folder of your Mt4

4. Copy all indicators from the Indicators folder to your experts+indicators folder of your mt4.

5. Copy profiles “5. & Rdquo; and “Renko thv 5″ from Profiles to your Profiles folder of Mt4.

6. Copy all templates from Templates folder to templates folder of your Mt4.

7. Start your Mt4 platform!

8. Chose from File+profiles “5. & Rdquo; or “Renko thv 5″

9. If you don’t see the last two indicators on the bottom of your chart. just refresh chart using template for that pair.

10 If you want to trade GOLD click here!


One of the setups have to looks like on this two pictures!

If you are using RENKO for a first time, after you install my system, you will find missing candles and your chart will not looks like on this pictures.

That is why you don’t have a history for M2 and M3 candles.

To download history, open m1 chart of a pair that you want to trade, uncheck automatic scroll on the upper bar of Mt4 and pres and hold “Page Up” or “Home” button on your keyboard. After that restart your platform and history will appear.

Update Jan. 25th 2012. Before this update there was over 5.860 downloads of this system!

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"I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the way Steve Primo teaches. His explanations are very clear and thorough.

I've learned quite a bit from his webinars and videos over the past year.

I purchased Steve's #5 Strategy in March of 2011 and have had better success with it than any other Forex strategy I've tried since 2003. I've traded it mostly from the Daily and Weekly charts. I like the fact that I don't have sit and stare at charts on the computer screen for extended periods of time. When I get home from work between 5pm and 8pm EST, it only takes me a few minutes to go through the Daily charts and see if there's a setup for a trade opportunity. Over the weekend, it only takes me a few minutes to look through the Weekly charts and see if there's a setup."

"Just an FYI. I've been trading the 8hr charts. Looking at the charts only 3 times a day, using only strategy 5. I am up on the month so far and today have recorded 240 pips in profit.

I'd say the strategy has paid for the course costs. I know its a marathon and not a sprint. This may sound strange but Its not the profit that has me most positive it's the fact that I have a dependable routine now and trading doesn't encompass time that I can spend on other matters more pressing / and yet being more profitable then I was before. I welcome the departure from the 12 hour days in front of the screen. Unless someone wants to pay me to be in front of that screen - lol."

Here are a few recent trades that were given out in our email alerts using the trade management techniques taught by Steve Primo in his course


email or call us with any questions trading@protraderstrategies. com 310 598-6677

**We are giving 12 FREE months of FOREX trade alerts to purchasers of this course.


Specialist Trading and www. protraderstrategies. com (Company ) is not an investment advisory service, nor a registered investment adviser or broker-dealer and does not purport to tell or suggest which securities or currencies customers should buy or sell for themselves. Los analistas y empleados o afiliados de la Compañía pueden ocupar cargos en las acciones, monedas o industrias que se analizan aquí. Comprende y reconoce que existe un grado muy alto de riesgo involucrado en la negociación de valores y / o divisas. La Compañía, los autores, el editor y todos los afiliados de la Compañía no asumen responsabilidad alguna por sus resultados de negociación y de inversión. Las declaraciones de hecho en el sitio web de la Compañía, o en sus publicaciones, se hacen a la fecha indicada y están sujetas a cambios sin previo aviso.

No se debe asumir que los métodos, técnicas o indicadores presentados en estos productos serán rentables o que no darán lugar a pérdidas. Los resultados anteriores de cualquier comerciante individual o sistema de comercio publicado por la Compañía no son indicativos de futuros rendimientos por ese operador o sistema, y ​​no son indicativos de los rendimientos futuros que se realicen por usted. In addition, the indicators, strategies, columns, articles and all other features of Companys products (collectively, the Information ) are provided for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. Ejemplos presentados en el sitio web de Companys son sólo para fines educativos. Tales configuraciones no son solicitaciones de ninguna orden de compra o venta. Por lo tanto, no debe confiar únicamente en la Información al realizar ninguna inversión. Por el contrario, debe utilizar la información sólo como punto de partida para realizar investigaciones independientes adicionales con el fin de permitirle formar su propia opinión sobre las inversiones. Siempre debe consultar con su asesor financiero autorizado y asesor fiscal para determinar la idoneidad de cualquier inversión.

CFTC RULE 4.41 Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations. A diferencia de un récord de desempeño real, los resultados simulados no representan el comercio real y no pueden verse afectados por corretaje y otros honorarios por deslizamiento. Además, dado que las operaciones no se han ejecutado realmente, los resultados pueden tener una compensación insuficiente o excesiva para el impacto, si alguno, de ciertos factores de mercado, como la falta de liquidez. Los programas comerciales simulados en general también están sujetos al hecho de que están diseñados con el beneficio de la retrospectiva. No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las mostradas.

No se hace ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las mostradas. De hecho, hay frecuentemente fuertes diferencias entre los resultados de rendimiento hipotético y los resultados reales logrados posteriormente por cualquier programa de comercio en particular. El comercio hipotético no implica riesgo financiero, y ningún registro de operaciones hipotético puede explicar completamente el impacto del riesgo financiero en el comercio real. Toda la información en este sitio web o cualquier producto comprado en este sitio web es sólo para fines educativos y no pretende proporcionar asesoramiento financiero. Cualquier declaración sobre beneficios o ingresos, expresada o implícita, no representa una garantía. Su comercio real puede dar lugar a pérdidas, ya que no se garantiza el sistema de comercio. You accept full responsibilities for your actions, trades, profit or loss, and agree to hold protraderstrategies. com, the site legal owners and any authorized distributors of this information harmless in any and all ways. El uso de nuestros productos constituye la aceptación de nuestro acuerdo de usuario. Any strategy signals or trade alerts are for educational purposes only. This may be a paid advertisement. Paid Advertisements and Sponsors may present a product or service that is not offered, recommended or endorsed by Pro Trader Strategies and neither the company nor its affiliates bear responsibility or control over the content of the advertisement and the product or service offered.

www. protraderstrategies. com 11222 S. La Cienega Blvd

Los Angeles, Ca 90304

Aprenda todas las reglas y estrategias para que pueda comenzar a operar con un plan sólido tan pronto como el día siguiente.

5 Most Predictable Currency Pairs - Q1 2015

Some currency pairs slow down when they approach a strong line of support or resistance, and follow by bouncing back within the range. If momentum is significant, these type of currency pairs will make the break without looking back. These are the more predictable currency pairs. However, not all currency pairs enjoy this kind of technical behavior.

Update: 5 Most Predictable Currency Pairs – Q1 2015

The predictability of currency pairs is not always stable on its own: changes in monetary policy, volatility and seasonality are among the factors changing the behaviors. Here is an updated and ranked list for the 5 most predictable currency pairs for Q1 2015, each one with its own style:

AUD/USD . This currency enjoyed predictable behavior while it was trending down and has the capacity to respect support and resistance lines. When the pair posts higher highs, it trends up, and when it posts lower highs, the direction is down. This textbook behavior in channels and ranges is set to continue.

GBP/USD . Cable usually suffers stronger and sometimes more violent moves than EUR/USD but these are becoming smoother, placing the pair higher in the list. One of the reasons for the more predictable behavior is the fact that both the BOE and the Fed are set to tighten. This certainly doesn’t mean that ranges are small: they are still wide but are just more respectful to technical lines. Note that when we have a breakout, the pair marks the edge of the next range before ranging within it.

NZD/USD . For those that do prefer narrower ranges, the kiwi often provides opportunities, especially if you look back on the charts: the kiwi has a good memory for old technical lines as well as new ones. This is set to continue.

USD/CAD . Often overlooked by traders, this pair returns to the list. The huge volatility in oil prices, which is set to continue, has contributed to bigger movements and better predictability for the pair. The pair has a tendency to bounce first, break later when it encounters big lines.

EUR/USD . The world’s most popular pair has enjoyed nice behavior in Q4, amid a clear trending lower. And while it remains on the list, it falls to the last place. The specter of QE in the euro-zone is a game changer and could trigger unexpected behavior. The general trend is down, but the path is set to be more bumpy. This pair could be goof for a longer term position, but could be harder to trade in shorter terms.

Do you trade these pairs? ¿Qué piensas? ¿De acuerdo? Disagree?

USD/JPY is absent from the list. While it isn’t the hated, narrow ranging pair, the moves are harder to digest.

CHF: The peg to the euro and the fall of the euro put EUR/CHF too close to 1.20, making any trades on any Swiss pairs a mirror of the euro and just less predictable.

Crosses: There are certainly some interesting crosses such as GBP/JPY for those liking action and AUD/NZD and EUR/GBP for those looking for less pips.

For reference, here is the list for Q4 2014 .

Forex 5 Minutes System by Bryan Wolfe An Ex Wall Street Trader That Makes 50 Pips Daily Anytime!

Forex 5 Minutes! you gotta love this! Forex trading has changed forever with this Forex 5 Minutes By Bryan Wolfe! Just wanted to share with you how an ex Wall Street trader Bryan Wolfe can help to improve your trading profits…This has no risk at all. Learn how to make crazy pips under 5 minutes. Forex 5 Minutes is a proven system that can make you 50 pips a day whether you are a new trader or a forex trading veteran. With this Forex 5 Minutes system, you place your order and that’s it after that you go on with your day. No more watching the market or monitoring the charts.

Forex 5 Minutes Secret

Now this Forex5Mins System uses a secret that many trader’ s don’t know. Bryan Wolfe has been trading for a Wall Street man. He hated waking up early in the morning, putting up a nice suit and doing monkey dance day in and day out. He was stressed out when he hit upon this secret that happens everyday at the same time to the same currency pairs. He developed his Forex 5 Minutes Strategy on this secret and quit his Wall Street job to start trading for himself. This Forex5Mins is a 100% mechanical system. Bryan Wolfe has created an almost automated system. Get up anytime you want. Open a few charts. Make a few simple predictions on your favorite currency pairs. Place your orders and that’s it. You can do whatever you want for the rest of the day.

* No robots * No experience required * No more guessing! No more need for multiple tools! * No more spending all day in front of the computer * Simple setup (like 2 + 2 =4) * Perfect for people with full time jobs * Set up requires a maximum of 5 minutes * The profit potential is HUGE * 90% winning trades with an average of 50 pips per day!

Here’s what you DON’T need with Forex 5 Mins…

& # 8211; You don’t need ANY experience – You don’t need any prior knowledge of Forex – You don’t need a lot of time (it’s 5 minutes a day) – You don’t need massive start-up capital. & # 8211; Heck, you don’t even need to THINK. (Emotions only tangle everything up.)

You can try the Forex 5 Minutes System RISK FREE for 60 days on your demo account.

Los comentarios están cerrados.

Obtener mis sistemas de Forex GRATIS!


Saya Khalid Hamid . seorang FULL-TIME FOREX TRADER . Saya merupakan bekas Eksekutif Bank Antarabangsa yang pernah bertugas sebagai CURRENCY ANALYST . Tugas saya ialah menganalisis pergerakan matawang yang digerakkan oleh berita-berita ekonomi.

Selain itu, saya juga aktif membantu para trader serta menyumbangkan tips / artikel dalam forum-forum forex tempatan dan juga antarabangsa.

Pengalaman sebagai currency analyst dan keaktifan berforum selama 9 TAHUN telah banyak membentuk saya menjadi trader seperti yang anda lihat pada hari ini.

Sebelum ini, sejak 2011 saya telah menulis 5 buah ebook berjudul TEKNIK FOREX SEBENAR V1, V2, V3, V4 dan V5. Kini, setelah melalui banyak proses penambahbaikan, ia kembali dengan lebih mantap dalam bentuk Buku & DVD iaitu TEKNIK FOREX SEBENAR EDISI KE-6.


Kepada yang pertama kali terbaca tentang forex, istilah Forex @ FX diambil daripada singkatan FOR eign EX change atau Tukaran Matawang Asing. Forex merupakan pasaran kewangan terbesar di dunia dengan nilai transaksi harian melebihi USD $5 TRILLION SEHARI! Ia jauh mengatasi pasaran-pasaran lain seperti Saham, Komoditi, Logam dan lain-lain. Forex berlaku apabila anda menjual ( SELL ) matawang negara anda dan membeli ( BUY ) matawang negara lain. Contohnya, jika anda melancong ke London, anda perlu menjual matawang Ringgit (MYR) dan membeli matawang Pound Sterling (GBP).

Kalau dulu forex hanya boleh dibuat di kaunter, kini ia sudah boleh dilakukan secara ONLINE!! Asalkan ada komputer & internet, anda bebas untuk trade di mana-mana sahaja, pada bila-bila masa.


Untuk menjadi seorang forex trader, anda hanya perlukan komputer / smartphone, internet dan sedikit modal mengikut kemampuan anda. Itu sahaja!


Anda mungkin akan kerugian beribu-ribu (atau puluhan ribu, dan mungkin juga ratusan ribu) ringgit dalam masa beberapa hari (atau jam) sahaja! Bacalah “tragedi sadis forex” di bawah:

Seorang trader kerugian USD4,950 (kira-kira RM21,285) dalam masa 1 malam sahaja kerana terlalu yakin sehingga tidak meletakkan stop loss. (had kerugian maksimum yang akan ditanggung)

Seorang trader hebat kerugian lebih USD10,000 (lebih RM43,000) dalam masa beberapa minit sahaja angkara pengumuman berita Non-farm Payroll @ NFP dan Canadian Employment Change @ EC

Ada yang membuat pinjaman peribadi sehingga USD25,000 (dalam RM107,500) untuk melabur dalam forex. Tetapi dalam masa 2 minggu, modalnya habis licin! Malangnya, beban hutang perlu ditanggung sehingga 10 tahun lamanya

Kena tipu RM33,000 kerana menyertai skim forex dan kerugian USD5,830 (RM25,069) akibat trade tanpa ilmu seperti dua pengadu di bawah.



Mendapat PROFIT BERATUS-RATUS PIPS dengan hanya satu trade


Mendapat UNTUNG BESAR menggunakan MODAL KECIL

Ia digunapakai oleh professional trader serata dunia & sudah ratusan tahun digunakan

Setup siap tak sampai 5 MINIT tanpa perlu menggunakan indicator / expert advisor!

Sangat-sangat mudah untuk diaplikasikan kepada SEMUA PAIRS

Tak sampai 1 jam pun sehari untuk menganalisis market

Terbukti berkesan menghasilkan profit sejak dulu, kini dan selamanya

Buku, ebook dan video tutorial yang ringkas, padat serta mudah difahami

Lengkap dari A – Z. Broker, Money Management, Kawalan Emosi, Isu-Isu Semasa dan banyak lagi









Teknik ini kekal sah dan relevan digunakan selama-lamanya, hatta semasa zaman kemelesetan ekonomi sekalipun. Tak percaya? Lihat sebahagian bukti-bukti kejayaan saya menggunakan TEKNIK FOREX SEBENAR :


Teknik ini didedahkan kerana saya sangat kasihan melihat TERLALU RAMAI TRADER yang masih TERKIAL-KIAL dalam forex. Ini kerana mereka banyak melakukan KESILAPAN BESAR seperti:

Tidak meletakkan Stop Loss dalam trade

Stop Loss melebihi Target Profit

Trade pada waktu yang salah secara hentam kromo

Memilih pairs yang susah nak profit

Langsung tak memahami Money Management

Menggandakan lot selepas loss (BALAS DENDAM!)

Modal tidak mencukupi dan banyak lagi lah!

Kesilapan-kesilapan seperti inilah yang membunuh seseorang trader. Saya sudah melalui semua itu, dan PERCAYALAH IANYA AMAT-AMAT MEMERITKAN!!

Jadi, atas dasar itulah saya tidak lagi mahu para trader kecundang sebelum berjuang, seperti apa yang pernah saya lalui dahulu. TEKNIK FOREX SEBENAR cukup lengkap dengan segala ilmu, teknik dan senjata yang diperlukan untuk menjadi seorang trader yang hebat serta tidak perlu berputih mata!

Nak berjaya dalam forex, ikut jer 2 langkah ni:






Pilihlah secara bijak ya 😉

Jika anda masih merasakan harga di atas mahal, renungkan fakta-fakta ini:

95% trader adalah trader yang gagal, mahu tak anda jadi salah seorang daripada 5% trader yang berjaya?

Kebanyakan trader akan kehabisan modal mereka dalam masa 3 bulan sahaja. Ada yang rugi ratusan, ribuan, puluhan ribu dan juga ratusan ribu ringgit. Anda tentu tak nak jadi salah seorang daripada mereka kan?

Ini bukan indicator @ robot yang merapu. Ini adalah TEKNIK FOREX SEBENAR. Anda tak perlu habiskan puluhan / ratusan / ribuan ringgit untuk membeli sesuatu yang tidak berkesan.

Anda tidak perlu lagi membuang masa, tenaga dan wang ke sana ke mari mendalami ilmu forex yang belum tentu lagi betul atau tidak. TEKNIK FOREX SEBENAR adalah penyelesaian menyeluruh kepada segala-galanya.

Bukan senang nak belajar forex tanpa demonstrasi. Tetapi TEKNIK FOREX SEBENAR disertakan dengan contoh bergambar serta video panduan. Budak sekolah pun boleh memahaminya, apatah lagi orang dewasa.

Indicator biasanya dijual pada harga RM100.00 – 250.00, manakala kelas dan seminar pula dalam lingkungan RM1,000.00 – 5,000.00. Itupun tanpa follow up daripada penganjur. TEKNIK FOREX SEBENAR pula tak sampai RM600.00 dan anda hanya perlu melabur sekali sahaja seumur hidup.

Harga yang ditawarkan adalah TERLALU MURAH jika nak dibandingkan dengan nilai yang anda terima. Anda tak perlu pergi kelas, beli indicator, baca forum berbulan-bulan lamanya, trial and error mencuba 1,001 teknik / indicator, ataupun pergi ke seminar. Trader seluruh dunia menggunakan teknik ini bukan saja untuk forex, tetapi juga untuk SAHAM, OPTIONS, CPO, GOLD, dan SILVER.

Saya tak akan paksa anda untuk membeli, kerana itu hak anda. Profit forex sudah cukup untuk saya. Kejayaan saudara/saudari terletak di atas USAHA ANDA SENDIRI . Saya sekadar membantu apa yang termampu. Antara menghabiskan beribu-ribu ringgit ATAU RM698, yang mana akan anda pilih?



p. s: Sekali lagi suka saya ingatkan, anda tak perlu membazir masa, tenaga dan wang anda menimba ilmu di sana sini untuk mendalami forex. TEKNIK FOREX SEBENAR ada kesemuanya.

p. p.s: Pendapatan 5 angka seminggu tidak mustahil dengan forex. Saya telah pun melakukan dan membuktikannya. Hanya 1 jam sehari diperlukan, boleh trade di mana-mana sahaja yang anda mahu. Ia langsung tidak mengganggu kehidupan anda. 5 angka seminggu dengan berusaha 1 jam sehari? Ianya mustahil untuk dilakukan dalam bidang lain, tetapi tidak dengan forex melalui TEKNIK FOREX SEBENAR .

p. p.p. s: RM698 adalah satu jumlah yang kecil jika nak dibandingkan dengan potensi TEKNIK FOREX SEBENAR . Pelaburan yang terbaik bagi seseorang individu adalah pelaburan ke dalam DIRINYA SENDIRI melalui ILMU . dan ini merupakan salah satu daripada cabang ilmu yang ada di dunia ini.

Laman sesawang ini dimiliki oleh TFS KayaMuda Sdn Bhd (1159983-M)


Nak tahu salah satu teknik killer TFS?

Nak tahu cara buka demo account?

Nak 5 tips penting untuk menjadi trader yang berjaya?


Forex Market Hours

Given the global nature of currency trading, the market is open for business around the clock, 24 hours a day. It is important for the trader to know the times when the major markets are active and how this can be implemented in their trading.

As a general rule, a specific currency will usually be most active when that particular market is open. For example, the GBP and its related pairs, while active and tradable 24 hours per day, tends be most active and widely traded during the hours when the London market is open. Meanwhile the JPY and its related pairs will be more widely traded during the Tokyo business day.

The market hours for the major FX markets are as follows:

London – 3 AM through 12 noon Eastern time (

35% of total FX volume) New York – 8 AM through 5 PM Eastern time (

20% of total FX volume) Sydney – 5 PM through 2 AM Eastern time (

4% of total FX volume) Tokyo – 7 PM through 4 AM Eastern time (

6% of total FX volume)

The above information can be utilized in several ways. The more trades that are being executed during a given time (all things being equal), the narrower the Bid/Ask spreads will be. Greater liquidity results in a narrower spread.

Also, we see that between the hours of 8 AM and 11 AM Eastern US time, the two largest markets (London and New York) overlap one another for about 3 hours. This represents a key trading time slot for many traders. Keep in mind that each trading day will be different from every other and there are no guarantees that this time frame will generate incredible trades on a regular basis. However, with the London and New York markets open and trading simultaneously, more trading opportunities often present themselves.

While we see an overlap between the trading hours of the Tokyo and Sydney markets, it is not as significant as the London and New York overlap due to the significantly lower overall trading volume.

While the FX market technically never closes, virtually all of the major banks and trading entities do close for the weekend. The volume over the weekend is so small that it tends not to offer much trading opportunity for traders. While some activity can occur depending on fundamental news that may occur over the weekend, generally any movement in the currency pairs is negligible, and trading liquidity is extremely thin, making trade execution difficult and spreads very wide. Hence, the FXCM Trading Station closes at 4 PM Eastern time on Friday and opens again at 5 PM Eastern Time on Sunday.

Given differences among traders, some will keep positions open over the weekend while others will close all open positions before 4 PM Eastern on Friday.

You should now have the information that you need to understand trading hours in the currency market.

DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.

5 Differences Between Forex Trading and Stock Trading

The foreign exchange market might seem to some people very similar to other financial markets. On the surface, the forex exchange has many similarities to the stock exchange. However, there are a number of differences. Below is a breakdown of some of the major differences that might not be obvious to everyone.

Some sees foreign exchange (forex) market a very similar to other financial markets. It is true that forex trading shares many characteristics with the stock exchange, but upon examination, you will learn that they also have a number of differences that distinguish forex and the stock markets from each other. We listed a few of these differences according to (1) trading hours, (2) trading market, (3) financial friction, (4) speed and (5) complexity.

Both the stock market and the forex market operates in a strict schedule. Most stock market operates for 8 hours, and then closes until the next morning when it open for trading again. For example, the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) trading hours is between 10 am until 9:30 pm Sydney Time. You can check a more elaborated schedule in the ASX web site here. In contrast, there is no downtime in forex trading. The forex market operates 24hours a day in 3 shifts, throughout the entire year. You can choose between the US, Asian or Europeans forex trading hours, although they do overlap and thus, allows for currency trading day or night.

2. Trading Marketplace

Forex, unlike the stock markets, are not geographically tied down. It is in fact considered an over-the-counter (OTC) exchange. It can be conducted on a location best suited to the demand and convenience of the trader. Some forex outfits such as Go Markets, even allows for mobile trading using an iPhone or an iPad. On the other hand, stock markets are centralized. This means that it is located mainly in one place like New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), in where all trades are entered or exited.

Read the Golden Rules of Trading laid down on the free forex e-book from GoMarkets by signing up here.

3. Financial Friction

The stock market always require a middleman, which thus results to more financial friction, or simply put: fees. Everytime a stock is sold, a middleman, may it be a broker or some other entity, is always standing between buyer and seller. They make money just to facilitate the trade. The same is the case every time a stock is bought. You have to go through a middleman. That is not the case with forex trading. In forex market, a trader can buy or sell directly by spot trading because the forex market is not centralized. But there are of course, forex brokers. But the edge is, in forex market, the spread are transparent. Besides, most brokers don't require additional transaction fee or even charge a commission.

In forex markets, a trader can use programs to automatically execute a forex trade on a forex trading signal. This makes forex trading almost instantaneous. A forex trader is more less likely to miss a trade because of the time it takes to execute a single tade. In stock markets on the other hand, a trader has to get this order to the trading floor, and from there, it could still take several minutes to be executed.

When you think about it, forex trading boils down to tracking just 4 major currency pairs. Of course, one could argue that in forex trading, you got to do a lot of formulation and study for a sound forex market analysis. On the plus side, many web sites offers forex education resources and forex tips for free. Compare this to keeping tabs on thousands of stocks in the stock market. In forex markets, currency traders has the advantage of using forex systems. These systems help a currency trader in determining the best time to sell, or buy a currency and the best thing that a stock market trader for that is a broker.

Interested in Foreign Exchange? Increase your Forex Education for Free. Read the Golden Rules of Trading laid down on the free forex e-book from GoMarkets by signing up here. Visit us regularly for the latest forex trading news !

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